Tags: "sindjar" (65)

Local Yazidis are outraged and ready for confrontation over the relocation of ISIS families to Nineveh

Read: 1964     15:00     18 Март 2023    

During the genocide of Yazidi people committed by the terrorist organization ISIS in Sinjar, crimes such as mass murder, captivity, enslavement, rape, displacement and destruction of Yazidi towns, villages, temples, houses were committed.

After all these criminal acts, the Iraqi Government, together with the United Nations, decided to cooperate with representatives of ISIS families and relocate them to Nineveh, while creating camps to house the families of terrorists.

The repatriation of these families means working to re-restructure the terrorist organization in Nineveh and rethinking extremist thinking to create a terrorist organization that threatens the security of the State and is considered a barrier to the return of displaced persons. The involvement of ISIS families in society is a step towards spreading terrorist thinking in the areas of the Nineveh Plain where Yazidi population lives.

Representatives of Nineveh province should have rejected this decision, especially representatives of minorities in the Iraqi Parliament, and civil society organizations should defend and defend the rights of victims and demand that the Iraqi Parliament reject the decision to relocate the families of terrorists from the Al-Hawl camp in northeastern Syria to the Al-Jadaa camp in Nineveh.

At a time when Yazidis are busy opening mass graves, and the families of the victims are mourning their children, the Iraqi Government has not taken serious steps to bring to justice those responsible for these crimes. There are still powerful officials in the Iraqi government who serve the interests of the families of ISIS terrorists.

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