Hopes of more than 5,000 Yazidi applicants for police officer position in Sinjar put on hold

Read: 1608     15:00     25 Март 2023    

On October 10, 2020, the Baghdad government, under international control and amid international acclaim, concluded an agreement with the Kurdistan regional Government, and one of its points was the formation of a local police regiment or brigade from the residents of the region to support the internal security of Sinjar.

Due to the incessant waiting, some of those wishing to join the police have emigrated, while others are still clinging to hope and waiting for promises. International delegations call on the Iraqi and Kurdish Governments to accelerate the implementation of the Sinjar Agreement.

In addition to the Sinjar Agreement, in 2017, the Iraqi government decided to hire 2,583 citizens to the police, after waiting five years, last year the authorities conducted the necessary training procedures, certification and exams required by the central government of Baghdad, and only a year after these very exams, the names of those who passed the exams and passed the certification were announced, but and after that, Yazidi residents did not get the opportunity to get jobs in the district police.

Yazid Ismail Nayef, a resident of Sinjar who applied to become a police officer in the province, told local Yazidi media that he still does not lose hope that local Yazidis will be recruited to the police under the Sinjar agreement. "This is the only right decision, because it is considered important for us, we protect our people and our land, and police service is a source of income for our families. There is unemployment in the region and in Sinjar province, we have two choices - either emigration or service in the police or the army".

Yazidi population calls for speeding up the implementation of this decision and not to delay in this matter, because the Sinjar region currently needs its own people, Yazidis are an integral part of Iraq.

Mlêtê Êzidî


Tags: #ezidi   #shangal   #sindjar   #ezidxan   #yezidis   #yazidis  

Hopes of more than 5,000 Yazidi applicants for police officer position in Sinjar put on hold

Read: 1609     15:00     25 Март 2023    

On October 10, 2020, the Baghdad government, under international control and amid international acclaim, concluded an agreement with the Kurdistan regional Government, and one of its points was the formation of a local police regiment or brigade from the residents of the region to support the internal security of Sinjar.

Due to the incessant waiting, some of those wishing to join the police have emigrated, while others are still clinging to hope and waiting for promises. International delegations call on the Iraqi and Kurdish Governments to accelerate the implementation of the Sinjar Agreement.

In addition to the Sinjar Agreement, in 2017, the Iraqi government decided to hire 2,583 citizens to the police, after waiting five years, last year the authorities conducted the necessary training procedures, certification and exams required by the central government of Baghdad, and only a year after these very exams, the names of those who passed the exams and passed the certification were announced, but and after that, Yazidi residents did not get the opportunity to get jobs in the district police.

Yazid Ismail Nayef, a resident of Sinjar who applied to become a police officer in the province, told local Yazidi media that he still does not lose hope that local Yazidis will be recruited to the police under the Sinjar agreement. "This is the only right decision, because it is considered important for us, we protect our people and our land, and police service is a source of income for our families. There is unemployment in the region and in Sinjar province, we have two choices - either emigration or service in the police or the army".

Yazidi population calls for speeding up the implementation of this decision and not to delay in this matter, because the Sinjar region currently needs its own people, Yazidis are an integral part of Iraq.

Mlêtê Êzidî


Tags: #ezidi   #shangal   #sindjar   #ezidxan   #yezidis   #yazidis