Return to Shangal continues 397 more refugees have returned

Read: 298     12:00     03 Июль 2024    

The Iraqi Ministry of Migration said the return to Shangal was ongoing, with another 397 Yazidis returning to Shangal from the Khanq camp near Dahuk.

The statement said the move is part of the Iraqi Ministry of Migration's plans to tackle the migration issue.

The work of the Autonomous Administration of Shangal for Yazidis returning to Shangal also continues. The Shangal Autonomous Administration is providing all possible support to Yazidi families returning to their lands.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis   #refugeesyazidis  

Return to Shangal continues 397 more refugees have returned

Read: 301     12:00     03 Июль 2024    

The Iraqi Ministry of Migration said the return to Shangal was ongoing, with another 397 Yazidis returning to Shangal from the Khanq camp near Dahuk.

The statement said the move is part of the Iraqi Ministry of Migration's plans to tackle the migration issue.

The work of the Autonomous Administration of Shangal for Yazidis returning to Shangal also continues. The Shangal Autonomous Administration is providing all possible support to Yazidi families returning to their lands.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis   #refugeesyazidis