Yazidi refugees are concerned about the closure of IDP camps in Iraq

Read: 970     15:00     11 Ноябрь 2023    

Yazidi IDPs are concerned about the fact that plans are being made to close all Yazidi refugee camps and IDP sites in Kurdistan and Iraq by the end of this year. This decision raises serious concerns about the possibility of forced repatriation of Yazidis to Syria, a country that remains unsafe for their return.

The recent series of ISIS attacks on government forces and military bases in Syria, which killed 30 soldiers, serves as a stark reminder of the terrorist group's continued presence and the ongoing instability in the region. These attacks underscore the precarious security situation that Yazidi refugees may face if they are forced to return to Syria.

The fears of Yazidi refugees are not unfounded, given the constant threat posed by ISIS and the fragile security situation in Syria. The decision to close the camps should be carefully reconsidered to ensure that the safety and well-being of Yazidi refugees remains paramount.

Alternative mechanisms must be urgently explored to provide Yazidi refugees with a safe haven where they can rebuild their lives and build a future free from fear and uncertainty. The international community has a moral obligation to protect these people and ensure that they are not forced to return to the dangerous conditions that forced them from their homes.


Tags: #ezidi   #yezidis   #yazidis   #shangal   #sindjar  

Yazidi refugees are concerned about the closure of IDP camps in Iraq

Read: 971     15:00     11 Ноябрь 2023    

Yazidi IDPs are concerned about the fact that plans are being made to close all Yazidi refugee camps and IDP sites in Kurdistan and Iraq by the end of this year. This decision raises serious concerns about the possibility of forced repatriation of Yazidis to Syria, a country that remains unsafe for their return.

The recent series of ISIS attacks on government forces and military bases in Syria, which killed 30 soldiers, serves as a stark reminder of the terrorist group's continued presence and the ongoing instability in the region. These attacks underscore the precarious security situation that Yazidi refugees may face if they are forced to return to Syria.

The fears of Yazidi refugees are not unfounded, given the constant threat posed by ISIS and the fragile security situation in Syria. The decision to close the camps should be carefully reconsidered to ensure that the safety and well-being of Yazidi refugees remains paramount.

Alternative mechanisms must be urgently explored to provide Yazidi refugees with a safe haven where they can rebuild their lives and build a future free from fear and uncertainty. The international community has a moral obligation to protect these people and ensure that they are not forced to return to the dangerous conditions that forced them from their homes.


Tags: #ezidi   #yezidis   #yazidis   #shangal   #sindjar