Kurdish minister warns of consequences of failure to honour Sinjar agreement

Read: 628     12:00     01 Июль 2024    

The Minister of Religious Affairs in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region government has warned that failure to implement an agreement to normalise the situation in the Yazidi Sinjar of Nineveh province poses a threat to reconciliation, and called on the Iraqi federal government to take the implementation of the agreement seriously so that Yazidis can return to their homeland.

Minister Pishtiwan Sadiq made the announcement while addressing the sixth Lalish Conference for Peace and Coexistence in Sinjar on behalf of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

He said that the Kurdish government will do its best to serve the Yazidis in terms of enacting laws, relations with Baghdad and at the international level, and noted that the region has done its best to protect the rights of the Yazidi community.

"The Yazidi brothers and sisters, as well as the entire Iraqi society and the entire region, have suffered greatly due to the attacks and crimes of ISIS. We all know that terrorism has nothing to do with any nation or religion. The Peshmerga, with the support of the International Coalition, have been able to defeat ISIL and its capabilities to a large extent. However, after the victory, the international community must pay more attention to the situation of the Yazidis. Failure to address the difficulties and obstacles faced by the Yazidis is a threat to international reconciliation, and the UN Security Council must find a way to prevent further Yazidi suffering. Therefore, the world powers and the federal government of Iraq in particular should facilitate the implementation of the agreement to normalise the situation in Sinjar so that the Yazidis can return to their homes," the minister said.

In October 2020, Baghdad and Erbil, backed by the UN, signed an agreement aimed at bringing stability to the Sinjar region through a new administration and security structure that would allow displaced Yazidis to return to their neighbourhoods affected by the ISIL invasion. However, the deal is still only partially realised. Sinjar is still in need of reconstruction and protection from illegal armed groups.

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Kurdish minister warns of consequences of failure to honour Sinjar agreement

Read: 631     12:00     01 Июль 2024    

The Minister of Religious Affairs in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region government has warned that failure to implement an agreement to normalise the situation in the Yazidi Sinjar of Nineveh province poses a threat to reconciliation, and called on the Iraqi federal government to take the implementation of the agreement seriously so that Yazidis can return to their homeland.

Minister Pishtiwan Sadiq made the announcement while addressing the sixth Lalish Conference for Peace and Coexistence in Sinjar on behalf of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

He said that the Kurdish government will do its best to serve the Yazidis in terms of enacting laws, relations with Baghdad and at the international level, and noted that the region has done its best to protect the rights of the Yazidi community.

"The Yazidi brothers and sisters, as well as the entire Iraqi society and the entire region, have suffered greatly due to the attacks and crimes of ISIS. We all know that terrorism has nothing to do with any nation or religion. The Peshmerga, with the support of the International Coalition, have been able to defeat ISIL and its capabilities to a large extent. However, after the victory, the international community must pay more attention to the situation of the Yazidis. Failure to address the difficulties and obstacles faced by the Yazidis is a threat to international reconciliation, and the UN Security Council must find a way to prevent further Yazidi suffering. Therefore, the world powers and the federal government of Iraq in particular should facilitate the implementation of the agreement to normalise the situation in Sinjar so that the Yazidis can return to their homes," the minister said.

In October 2020, Baghdad and Erbil, backed by the UN, signed an agreement aimed at bringing stability to the Sinjar region through a new administration and security structure that would allow displaced Yazidis to return to their neighbourhoods affected by the ISIL invasion. However, the deal is still only partially realised. Sinjar is still in need of reconstruction and protection from illegal armed groups.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #refugeesyazidis   #iraqyazidis