Difficulties faced by Yazidis on their return to Sinjar

Read: 970     15:30     16 Ноябрь 2023    

The situation for the Yazidi refugees who have returned to Sinjar is really very difficult, they face numerous obstacles on the way to restoring their lives, including lack of access to land, employment opportunities and basic necessities. The loss of their lands and documents, as well as the displacement of many Yazidis to other areas, further complicated the restoration of their livelihoods and cultural identity.

Yazidi Maiyan Siuan tells local media: "We women pick potatoes in the fields from morning to evening in order to get at least some profit for our family budget. All the fields where we work mostly belong to Kurds and Arabs, our lands are not registered, although they originally belonged to Yazidi villages. After the war with ISIS, all the documentation for the lands disappeared and we now have to prove where and what lands belonged to Yazidi villages and private farmers. Many Arabs were resettled in the Yazidi areas, they were allocated those villages in which the Yazidi population was completely exterminated during the 2014 ethnic cleansing. There is a complete Islamization and naturalization of the Yazidi population in Iraq and the region completely."

The situation with land ownership is of particular concern. It is also disappointing that Yazidis cannot regain the lands of their ancestors and are instead forced to work for others as laborers. The loss of their lands means not only the loss of livelihood, but also the loss of identity and heritage.

Islamization and naturalization of Yazidis are also alarming. It is important to protect and preserve the Yazidi culture and identity, which has been the object of persecution for too long.

It is also important to raise awareness of the human rights violations faced by Yazidis and to hold those responsible accountable for their crimes.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #genocideyazidis  

Difficulties faced by Yazidis on their return to Sinjar

Read: 971     15:30     16 Ноябрь 2023    

The situation for the Yazidi refugees who have returned to Sinjar is really very difficult, they face numerous obstacles on the way to restoring their lives, including lack of access to land, employment opportunities and basic necessities. The loss of their lands and documents, as well as the displacement of many Yazidis to other areas, further complicated the restoration of their livelihoods and cultural identity.

Yazidi Maiyan Siuan tells local media: "We women pick potatoes in the fields from morning to evening in order to get at least some profit for our family budget. All the fields where we work mostly belong to Kurds and Arabs, our lands are not registered, although they originally belonged to Yazidi villages. After the war with ISIS, all the documentation for the lands disappeared and we now have to prove where and what lands belonged to Yazidi villages and private farmers. Many Arabs were resettled in the Yazidi areas, they were allocated those villages in which the Yazidi population was completely exterminated during the 2014 ethnic cleansing. There is a complete Islamization and naturalization of the Yazidi population in Iraq and the region completely."

The situation with land ownership is of particular concern. It is also disappointing that Yazidis cannot regain the lands of their ancestors and are instead forced to work for others as laborers. The loss of their lands means not only the loss of livelihood, but also the loss of identity and heritage.

Islamization and naturalization of Yazidis are also alarming. It is important to protect and preserve the Yazidi culture and identity, which has been the object of persecution for too long.

It is also important to raise awareness of the human rights violations faced by Yazidis and to hold those responsible accountable for their crimes.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #genocideyazidis