Meeting between the Minister of Migration and Resettlement of Iraq and the Head of the Committee for the Resettlement of National Minorities

Read: 1097     15:30     08 Ноябрь 2023    

Minister of Migration and Resettlement Even Faiq Jabro held a meeting with Ronzi Ziad Sidou, head of the Committee for Resettlement of National Minorities.

The main topics of the meeting were

• Yazidi issues in Sinjar: Discussions focused on the current situation of the Yazidi community living in the Sinjar region and addressing their needs and concerns.

• Supporting repatriation efforts: both sides explored strategies to encourage and facilitate the return of Yazidi families to their homes, emphasizing the importance of creating an enabling environment for their reintegration.

• Promoting stability and dignified living: the need to create stable and safe conditions in areas of Yazidi return was emphasized, as well as to ensure that returnees have access to basic services and amenities for a dignified life.

• Alignment with the Government's reconstruction plans: the meeting was aligned with the Government's overall program for the reconstruction of the Sinjar region and the repatriation of all internally displaced persons (IDPs) currently living in displacement camps.

Overall, the meeting emphasized a shared commitment to supporting the Yazidi community, facilitating their return to Sinjar and ensuring their well-being.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis   #refugeesyazidis  

Meeting between the Minister of Migration and Resettlement of Iraq and the Head of the Committee for the Resettlement of National Minorities

Read: 1098     15:30     08 Ноябрь 2023    

Minister of Migration and Resettlement Even Faiq Jabro held a meeting with Ronzi Ziad Sidou, head of the Committee for Resettlement of National Minorities.

The main topics of the meeting were

• Yazidi issues in Sinjar: Discussions focused on the current situation of the Yazidi community living in the Sinjar region and addressing their needs and concerns.

• Supporting repatriation efforts: both sides explored strategies to encourage and facilitate the return of Yazidi families to their homes, emphasizing the importance of creating an enabling environment for their reintegration.

• Promoting stability and dignified living: the need to create stable and safe conditions in areas of Yazidi return was emphasized, as well as to ensure that returnees have access to basic services and amenities for a dignified life.

• Alignment with the Government's reconstruction plans: the meeting was aligned with the Government's overall program for the reconstruction of the Sinjar region and the repatriation of all internally displaced persons (IDPs) currently living in displacement camps.

Overall, the meeting emphasized a shared commitment to supporting the Yazidi community, facilitating their return to Sinjar and ensuring their well-being.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis   #refugeesyazidis