After the announcement of the termination of humanitarian assistance by the World Food programme, the following statement followed about the desire to continue supporting Iraqi refugees

Read: 1401     12:30     24 Март 2023    

After the World Food programme announced the termination of the humanitarian assistance it provided to Yazidi refugees and displaced persons, the following announcement followed on the provision of partial assistance until June 2024. The announced programme states that World Food will not be able to provide monthly food aid due to an acute lack of funding.

Representatives of World Food said that due to funding cuts, the World Food programme is urgently seeking $10 million from donors by June 2023 to continue providing food aid to displaced people who suffer from vulnerability. This will give the Iraqi Government enough time to fill out questionnaires for displaced people to include them in social security networks.

The World Food programme in Iraq helps vulnerable families who live in camps. At the same time, climate disasters increase the risk that more Iraqis will be forced to relocate, and this situation is likely to become the main factor in the humanitarian crisis caused by water scarcity, desertification and the disappearance of agriculture. The World Food programme is forced to make difficult decisions about who will receive aid and who will not. And as an organization with a dual mandate based on humanitarian response and development work, it will continue to protect and promote the needs of thousands of displaced refugees.

World Food stated: "We simply cannot turn away from those who most need basic food aid, those who are in a vulnerable situation and have no other source of livelihood. We have intensified our dialogue with the Government of Iraq and the international donor community to ensure the urgent provision of food, especially given that the cessation of aid coincides with the holy month of Ramadan".

It should be noted that for several years the World Food programme has helped approximately 137,000 displaced Iraqis in 27 IDP camps, which included Yazidis, Christians, Kurds and Arabs.

Dengê Êzdiya

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #refugeesyazidis  

After the announcement of the termination of humanitarian assistance by the World Food programme, the following statement followed about the desire to continue supporting Iraqi refugees

Read: 1402     12:30     24 Март 2023    

After the World Food programme announced the termination of the humanitarian assistance it provided to Yazidi refugees and displaced persons, the following announcement followed on the provision of partial assistance until June 2024. The announced programme states that World Food will not be able to provide monthly food aid due to an acute lack of funding.

Representatives of World Food said that due to funding cuts, the World Food programme is urgently seeking $10 million from donors by June 2023 to continue providing food aid to displaced people who suffer from vulnerability. This will give the Iraqi Government enough time to fill out questionnaires for displaced people to include them in social security networks.

The World Food programme in Iraq helps vulnerable families who live in camps. At the same time, climate disasters increase the risk that more Iraqis will be forced to relocate, and this situation is likely to become the main factor in the humanitarian crisis caused by water scarcity, desertification and the disappearance of agriculture. The World Food programme is forced to make difficult decisions about who will receive aid and who will not. And as an organization with a dual mandate based on humanitarian response and development work, it will continue to protect and promote the needs of thousands of displaced refugees.

World Food stated: "We simply cannot turn away from those who most need basic food aid, those who are in a vulnerable situation and have no other source of livelihood. We have intensified our dialogue with the Government of Iraq and the international donor community to ensure the urgent provision of food, especially given that the cessation of aid coincides with the holy month of Ramadan".

It should be noted that for several years the World Food programme has helped approximately 137,000 displaced Iraqis in 27 IDP camps, which included Yazidis, Christians, Kurds and Arabs.

Dengê Êzdiya

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #refugeesyazidis