Journalistic investigation: slave markets, human organ trafficking, isn't this a continuing genocide of the Yazidis

Read: 2593     12:30     27 Сентябрь 2022    

Eight years after the attack on Sinjar and the genocide of the Yazidi people recognized by the UN World Organization, 2715 Yazidis are still being held captive by ISIS terrorists and their families, including 1271 women and 1444 men and no serious actions are still being taken to rescue them.

Lamar Ekendi, a journalist and specialist in the affairs of terrorist groups, said in a statement to local media that there are Yazidis who are still being held captive in Syria, especially in camps populated by ISIS families, the camp administration is aware of crimes that occur on their territories, but is inactive.

As Ekendi tells us, in 2017, a Yazidi woman was rescued from Al-Ukab prison, controlled by the Al-Nusra Front, which is a slave market where Yazidi women are traded like animals.

Ekendi revealed serious information that he had learned through his informants that several Yazidi women had been sold as human organs to Turkey.

Earlier, Hassan al-Qaidi, Director of Center for the Rescue of Enslaved Yazidi Women in Dahuk, said that 400 abducted Yazidi women are in the Al-Hol camp in Syria, which is populated by ISIS families.

The Yazidi population in Syria is demanding the release of Yazidi women who are in slave-like conditions in camps for ISIS families. Sometimes these rallies and demonstrations have a positive effect on the process of releasing captured women.

The latest statistics from the Center for the Rescue of Enslaved Yazidi Women indicate the release of 3556 people, out of a total of 6417 Yazidis abducted by the terrorist organization ISIS during its August 2014 attack on the Sinjar region of northwestern Iraq.

Dengê Êzdiya

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #genocideyazidis  

Journalistic investigation: slave markets, human organ trafficking, isn't this a continuing genocide of the Yazidis

Read: 2594     12:30     27 Сентябрь 2022    

Eight years after the attack on Sinjar and the genocide of the Yazidi people recognized by the UN World Organization, 2715 Yazidis are still being held captive by ISIS terrorists and their families, including 1271 women and 1444 men and no serious actions are still being taken to rescue them.

Lamar Ekendi, a journalist and specialist in the affairs of terrorist groups, said in a statement to local media that there are Yazidis who are still being held captive in Syria, especially in camps populated by ISIS families, the camp administration is aware of crimes that occur on their territories, but is inactive.

As Ekendi tells us, in 2017, a Yazidi woman was rescued from Al-Ukab prison, controlled by the Al-Nusra Front, which is a slave market where Yazidi women are traded like animals.

Ekendi revealed serious information that he had learned through his informants that several Yazidi women had been sold as human organs to Turkey.

Earlier, Hassan al-Qaidi, Director of Center for the Rescue of Enslaved Yazidi Women in Dahuk, said that 400 abducted Yazidi women are in the Al-Hol camp in Syria, which is populated by ISIS families.

The Yazidi population in Syria is demanding the release of Yazidi women who are in slave-like conditions in camps for ISIS families. Sometimes these rallies and demonstrations have a positive effect on the process of releasing captured women.

The latest statistics from the Center for the Rescue of Enslaved Yazidi Women indicate the release of 3556 people, out of a total of 6417 Yazidis abducted by the terrorist organization ISIS during its August 2014 attack on the Sinjar region of northwestern Iraq.

Dengê Êzdiya

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #genocideyazidis