Will Germany betray the victims of the Yazidi genocide: fears and hopes for the struggle for rights and security

Read: 763     12:00     22 Май 2024    

Thousands of Yazidi survivors of the genocide perpetrated by ISIS in 2014 are now at risk of deportation from Germany to Iraq despite the continued danger to members of the besieged religious minority in their homeland.

Though ISIS has largely been defeated, Yazidis are still not safe in their Iraqi homeland because the genocide was not carried out by ISIS alone but also by Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani and his Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), which still rules the Iraqi Kurdistan Region (IKR).

Because the Barzani clan still seeks territorial control of Sinjar, and because hundreds of thousands of displaced Yazidis still live in prison-like camps under the Barzani clan’s control in the IKR, the risk of a new genocide of Yazidis remains.

Yazidis in Germany

Many Yazidis sought safety and were welcomed in Germany in the wake of the genocide in 2014, in which thousands of Yazidi men were massacred, and thousands of women were taken as sex slaves for the terror group’s leaders and fighters across Iraq and Syria.

Berlin’s generous support for Yazidis was reinforced in January 2023 when the German parliament formally recognized the Yazidi genocide.

However, German officials now increasingly argue that it is safe for Iraqis of all faiths to return home because ISIS was defeated territorially in 2017 and no longer poses the threat it once did.

Last year, Germany escalated its deportations of Iraqis of all religious and ethnic groups after a secret agreement was reached between Berlin and Baghdad.

But although Iraq as a whole is now enjoying a rare period of stability following decades of wars and sanctions, Yazidis continue to live in fear of a new campaign of ethnic cleansing and genocide.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #yazidisofgermnay   #iraqyazidis  

Will Germany betray the victims of the Yazidi genocide: fears and hopes for the struggle for rights and security

Read: 764     12:00     22 Май 2024    

Thousands of Yazidi survivors of the genocide perpetrated by ISIS in 2014 are now at risk of deportation from Germany to Iraq despite the continued danger to members of the besieged religious minority in their homeland.

Though ISIS has largely been defeated, Yazidis are still not safe in their Iraqi homeland because the genocide was not carried out by ISIS alone but also by Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani and his Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), which still rules the Iraqi Kurdistan Region (IKR).

Because the Barzani clan still seeks territorial control of Sinjar, and because hundreds of thousands of displaced Yazidis still live in prison-like camps under the Barzani clan’s control in the IKR, the risk of a new genocide of Yazidis remains.

Yazidis in Germany

Many Yazidis sought safety and were welcomed in Germany in the wake of the genocide in 2014, in which thousands of Yazidi men were massacred, and thousands of women were taken as sex slaves for the terror group’s leaders and fighters across Iraq and Syria.

Berlin’s generous support for Yazidis was reinforced in January 2023 when the German parliament formally recognized the Yazidi genocide.

However, German officials now increasingly argue that it is safe for Iraqis of all faiths to return home because ISIS was defeated territorially in 2017 and no longer poses the threat it once did.

Last year, Germany escalated its deportations of Iraqis of all religious and ethnic groups after a secret agreement was reached between Berlin and Baghdad.

But although Iraq as a whole is now enjoying a rare period of stability following decades of wars and sanctions, Yazidis continue to live in fear of a new campaign of ethnic cleansing and genocide.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #yazidisofgermnay   #iraqyazidis