Tensions related to the termination of UNAMI at the request of the Iraqi Government may have a negative impact on the Yazidi minority in Iraq

Read: 733     12:00     21 Май 2024    

The Iraqi government has expressed dissatisfaction with reports from the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), leading to an 18-month period to complete its work, despite opposition from UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who considers the mission still necessary. With UNITAD's work completed, Iraq hopes to draw down the UNAMI mission later this month.

The Iraqi government formally requested the UN Security Council to reduce UNAMI's mandate and conduct an objective assessment of its activities. This request was submitted in May 2023 and the independent assessment concluded that a continuation of the mission was not required given the progress made in various areas in Iraq, UNAMI has made efforts to support the Yazidi population, including humanitarian assistance, protection and promotion of their rights and security, endless work at the mass grave sites of the victims of the Yazidi genocide.

The emerging tensions surrounding the completion of UNAMI's work reflect a complex balance of interests between the Iraqi government and Sunni and Kurdish forces. In the context of this debate on the role of the UN mission in Iraq, it is important to consider also the position of the Yazidis, a vulnerable ethnic and religious community that remains a key focus of international attention in relation to civil rights and stability issues.

The UN Mission in Iraq began operations in 2003 and has played a significant role in humanitarian funding and development in the country, but over time its role has become less necessary in the context of progress.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #UNAMI   #yazidisofiraq  

Tensions related to the termination of UNAMI at the request of the Iraqi Government may have a negative impact on the Yazidi minority in Iraq

Read: 734     12:00     21 Май 2024    

The Iraqi government has expressed dissatisfaction with reports from the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), leading to an 18-month period to complete its work, despite opposition from UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who considers the mission still necessary. With UNITAD's work completed, Iraq hopes to draw down the UNAMI mission later this month.

The Iraqi government formally requested the UN Security Council to reduce UNAMI's mandate and conduct an objective assessment of its activities. This request was submitted in May 2023 and the independent assessment concluded that a continuation of the mission was not required given the progress made in various areas in Iraq, UNAMI has made efforts to support the Yazidi population, including humanitarian assistance, protection and promotion of their rights and security, endless work at the mass grave sites of the victims of the Yazidi genocide.

The emerging tensions surrounding the completion of UNAMI's work reflect a complex balance of interests between the Iraqi government and Sunni and Kurdish forces. In the context of this debate on the role of the UN mission in Iraq, it is important to consider also the position of the Yazidis, a vulnerable ethnic and religious community that remains a key focus of international attention in relation to civil rights and stability issues.

The UN Mission in Iraq began operations in 2003 and has played a significant role in humanitarian funding and development in the country, but over time its role has become less necessary in the context of progress.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #UNAMI   #yazidisofiraq