Fighting for Justice and Supporting Victims of Sexual Violence in Conflict: An Interview with Nadia Murad for the Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics and the Arts

Read: 852     12:00     03 Апрель 2024    

Nadiya Murad, a Yazidi human rights activist, has become a voice for those who have experienced the brutality of sexual violence as part of the genocide of Yazidis perpetrated by ISIS militants. In her interview for the Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics and Art, she emphasised the urgency of inequality and violence against women traumatised by armed conflict.

Murad expresses frustration with the international community, noting the lack of action following the public disclosure of survivors' suffering. She calls for real action, including prosecuting perpetrators and guaranteeing support for victims. Her Code Murad initiative sets standards for the treatment of survivors and aims to prevent re-traumatisation when dealing with them.

Nadiya Murad proposes concrete steps to ensure justice, including the establishment of a hybrid court to prosecute crimes of genocide and the introduction of reparations for survivors and victims of sexual violence. It calls on the international community to co-operate and intervene more actively.

Despite her difficult experience, Nadia remains hopeful and continues to fight for justice and support for survivors of sexual violence. Her words fill with hope those who strive for a more just world where everyone has the right to safety, equality and respect.

"There is always hope. Even when the world seems bleak, there are good people working for justice, peace and a stable future," Nadiya Murad concluded the interview with these words.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #nadiamurad   #humanrights  

Fighting for Justice and Supporting Victims of Sexual Violence in Conflict: An Interview with Nadia Murad for the Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics and the Arts

Read: 853     12:00     03 Апрель 2024    

Nadiya Murad, a Yazidi human rights activist, has become a voice for those who have experienced the brutality of sexual violence as part of the genocide of Yazidis perpetrated by ISIS militants. In her interview for the Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics and Art, she emphasised the urgency of inequality and violence against women traumatised by armed conflict.

Murad expresses frustration with the international community, noting the lack of action following the public disclosure of survivors' suffering. She calls for real action, including prosecuting perpetrators and guaranteeing support for victims. Her Code Murad initiative sets standards for the treatment of survivors and aims to prevent re-traumatisation when dealing with them.

Nadiya Murad proposes concrete steps to ensure justice, including the establishment of a hybrid court to prosecute crimes of genocide and the introduction of reparations for survivors and victims of sexual violence. It calls on the international community to co-operate and intervene more actively.

Despite her difficult experience, Nadia remains hopeful and continues to fight for justice and support for survivors of sexual violence. Her words fill with hope those who strive for a more just world where everyone has the right to safety, equality and respect.

"There is always hope. Even when the world seems bleak, there are good people working for justice, peace and a stable future," Nadiya Murad concluded the interview with these words.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #nadiamurad   #humanrights