Yazidi Girls Battalion Stories of Strength and Determination in the Fight Against ISIS

Read: 1054     12:00     29 ЯНВАРЬ 2024    

A journalist from an international public information organisation met with a battalion of Yazidi girls who are bravely standing on the front line in the fight against the terrorist group ISIS. The girls shared their stories about the trials they had undergone, and also talked about their decision to continue the fight to free their families and loved ones from the captivity of ISIS terrorists.

Amid stories of bravery and determination, the girls emphasised the terrible consequences of the violence inflicted on them and their families. Despite the tragic circumstances, they expressed their determination to continue the struggle and liberation of territories captured by terrorists.

In addition, Yazidi activist Murad Ismail expressed his fears about the possible withdrawal of international coalition forces from Iraq. He stressed that such a move could cause instability in the region, giving terrorist groups such as ISIL the opportunity to exploit the situation in their favour.

Ismail expressed particular fears about the possible resurrection of ISIS, pointing to the risk of releasing members of the terrorist organisation who could once again begin to control territories where Yazidis live. He emphasised that decisions to withdraw military forces must be carefully weighed to avoid such developments, especially with regard to key areas such as Sinjar.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #genocideyazidis   #iraqyazidis  

Yazidi Girls Battalion Stories of Strength and Determination in the Fight Against ISIS

Read: 1055     12:00     29 ЯНВАРЬ 2024    

A journalist from an international public information organisation met with a battalion of Yazidi girls who are bravely standing on the front line in the fight against the terrorist group ISIS. The girls shared their stories about the trials they had undergone, and also talked about their decision to continue the fight to free their families and loved ones from the captivity of ISIS terrorists.

Amid stories of bravery and determination, the girls emphasised the terrible consequences of the violence inflicted on them and their families. Despite the tragic circumstances, they expressed their determination to continue the struggle and liberation of territories captured by terrorists.

In addition, Yazidi activist Murad Ismail expressed his fears about the possible withdrawal of international coalition forces from Iraq. He stressed that such a move could cause instability in the region, giving terrorist groups such as ISIL the opportunity to exploit the situation in their favour.

Ismail expressed particular fears about the possible resurrection of ISIS, pointing to the risk of releasing members of the terrorist organisation who could once again begin to control territories where Yazidis live. He emphasised that decisions to withdraw military forces must be carefully weighed to avoid such developments, especially with regard to key areas such as Sinjar.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #genocideyazidis   #iraqyazidis