Yazidi activists call on the Iraqi government to address the ongoing plight of the Yazidi community

Read: 704     12:30     07 Декабрь 2023    

Yazidi activists have urged Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani to prioritize the plight of the Yazidi minority, which continues to struggle with the devastating effects of genocide, displacement and marginalization.

Although ten years have passed since the Yazidi genocide, the Iraqi government has yet to effectively address the needs of this community. Yazidi activists expressed deep concern over the government's inaction, calling on Prime Minister Sudani to take immediate and decisive steps to restore Yazidi rights and freedoms.

In a detailed statement, the Yazidi activists outlined a number of critical measures that the Iraqi government must take to address the ongoing suffering of the Yazidi community. These measures include:

· Restoring the rights and freedoms of the Yazidi minority.

· Facilitating the safe and dignified return of displaced Yazidis to their homes in Sinjar province.

· Addressing the selective treatment of displaced Yazidis by the Ministry of Immigration and Resettlement.

· Reviewing the composition of the Ministry of Immigration and Resettlement and considering the replacement of the Minister.

· Establishing a national body for displaced persons and migrants.

· Providing fire engines and security guards for IDP camps.

· Addressing the dire economic and living conditions of displaced Yazidis.

· Reconstructing Yazidi areas and restoring basic services.

· Providing compensation for losses incurred by the Yazidi community.

· Removing illegal forces from Yazidi territories.

· Implementing the Sinjar Agreement.

· Taking serious and practical steps to restore the rights of Yazidi children.

Yazidi activists also expressed concern about the misuse of financial allocations earmarked for displaced persons. They pledged to closely monitor these funds to ensure that they are used for their intended purpose.

The Iraqi government has a moral and legal obligation to address the continuing plight of the Yazidi community. The Yazidi have endured immense suffering and deserve to be treated with respect, compassion and justice. The Government must act swiftly and decisively to restore their rights, facilitate their return home and provide them with the support they need to rebuild their lives.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis   #humanrights  

Yazidi activists call on the Iraqi government to address the ongoing plight of the Yazidi community

Read: 705     12:30     07 Декабрь 2023    

Yazidi activists have urged Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani to prioritize the plight of the Yazidi minority, which continues to struggle with the devastating effects of genocide, displacement and marginalization.

Although ten years have passed since the Yazidi genocide, the Iraqi government has yet to effectively address the needs of this community. Yazidi activists expressed deep concern over the government's inaction, calling on Prime Minister Sudani to take immediate and decisive steps to restore Yazidi rights and freedoms.

In a detailed statement, the Yazidi activists outlined a number of critical measures that the Iraqi government must take to address the ongoing suffering of the Yazidi community. These measures include:

· Restoring the rights and freedoms of the Yazidi minority.

· Facilitating the safe and dignified return of displaced Yazidis to their homes in Sinjar province.

· Addressing the selective treatment of displaced Yazidis by the Ministry of Immigration and Resettlement.

· Reviewing the composition of the Ministry of Immigration and Resettlement and considering the replacement of the Minister.

· Establishing a national body for displaced persons and migrants.

· Providing fire engines and security guards for IDP camps.

· Addressing the dire economic and living conditions of displaced Yazidis.

· Reconstructing Yazidi areas and restoring basic services.

· Providing compensation for losses incurred by the Yazidi community.

· Removing illegal forces from Yazidi territories.

· Implementing the Sinjar Agreement.

· Taking serious and practical steps to restore the rights of Yazidi children.

Yazidi activists also expressed concern about the misuse of financial allocations earmarked for displaced persons. They pledged to closely monitor these funds to ensure that they are used for their intended purpose.

The Iraqi government has a moral and legal obligation to address the continuing plight of the Yazidi community. The Yazidi have endured immense suffering and deserve to be treated with respect, compassion and justice. The Government must act swiftly and decisively to restore their rights, facilitate their return home and provide them with the support they need to rebuild their lives.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis   #humanrights