Presentation of two books about Yazidis

Read: 1159     15:30     27 Ноябрь 2023    

Last week, on Wednesday, a presentation of two books about Yazidis took place in the Al-Ballisi Hall of Dohuk University. The books were published by the Lalesh Cultural Center / Department of Research. The presentation was attended by a group of professors and Yazidi university students, as well as a large audience of representatives of the Yazidi minority and public figures-activists from Sinjar province.

The first book, "European Yazidi Studies", was written by Davud Murad Khatari. The book consists of three volumes and has 1536 pages. In it, Hatari explores the history, culture and religion of the Yazidis from the point of view of European sources.

The second book, "Jalile Jalil", was written by Haji Qasim Khadr. The book consists of 200 pages and is dedicated to the life and work of the Yazidi poet and thinker Jalile Jalil.

Both books aroused great interest among the public. Professors and students highly appreciated their scientific value and significance for the study of the Yazidi people.

Authors of books

Davud Murad Khatari is a well-known Yazidi scholar and writer. He is the author of a number of books and articles about the Yazidis. He currently works at the University of Dahuk.

Haji Qasim Khadr is a famous Yazidi poet and thinker. He is the author of several books and collections of poetry. Currently lives in Germany.

The value of presentations

The presentations of two books about the Yazidis are an important event for the Yazidi people. They contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about the Yazidis and their culture. In addition, they help to raise awareness about the Yazidis and their problems in society.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #iraqyazidis  

Presentation of two books about Yazidis

Read: 1160     15:30     27 Ноябрь 2023    

Last week, on Wednesday, a presentation of two books about Yazidis took place in the Al-Ballisi Hall of Dohuk University. The books were published by the Lalesh Cultural Center / Department of Research. The presentation was attended by a group of professors and Yazidi university students, as well as a large audience of representatives of the Yazidi minority and public figures-activists from Sinjar province.

The first book, "European Yazidi Studies", was written by Davud Murad Khatari. The book consists of three volumes and has 1536 pages. In it, Hatari explores the history, culture and religion of the Yazidis from the point of view of European sources.

The second book, "Jalile Jalil", was written by Haji Qasim Khadr. The book consists of 200 pages and is dedicated to the life and work of the Yazidi poet and thinker Jalile Jalil.

Both books aroused great interest among the public. Professors and students highly appreciated their scientific value and significance for the study of the Yazidi people.

Authors of books

Davud Murad Khatari is a well-known Yazidi scholar and writer. He is the author of a number of books and articles about the Yazidis. He currently works at the University of Dahuk.

Haji Qasim Khadr is a famous Yazidi poet and thinker. He is the author of several books and collections of poetry. Currently lives in Germany.

The value of presentations

The presentations of two books about the Yazidis are an important event for the Yazidi people. They contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about the Yazidis and their culture. In addition, they help to raise awareness about the Yazidis and their problems in society.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #iraqyazidis