The torment of the Yazidis continues: Yazidi refugees and displaced persons will be transported from one camp to another

Read: 2257     15:30     28 Сентябрь 2022    

The administration of the Dohuk region intends to move 250 Yazidi IDP families from one camp to another.

These 250 families were displaced from Sinjar after the events of August 2014 and settled in the village of Siji in the Simele district of Dohuk province.

Dayan Jaafar, director of the Department of Migration, Displacement and Crisis Coordination of the Kurdistan Regional Government in Dohuk province, said that some families have been living in unfinished houses and places belonging to villagers for eight years.

The displaced persons will be transferred to the Kabertu camp. 250 new housing places have been allocated in the camp, the Ministry of Migration and Displaced Persons of Iraq has provided 250 tents for housing and the German organization "Care" has provided the necessary assistance to families.

According to Dayan Jaafar, the transfer of displaced persons from the village of Siji to the camp will be done in several stages and this process is voluntary, not forced.

But according to the Yazidi families, who have already been relocated to the "new" camp, this is the same tent camp, and they will have to live in the field, like their ancestors thousands of years ago.

Kabertu 1 and Kabertu 2 camps are home to almost five thousand displaced families, that's 23 600 people.

There are 325 000 IDPs in Dohuk province, 135 000 of whom are spread across 15 camps, while 189 000 Yazidis temporarily displaced live outside the camps.

Dengê Êzdiya

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #genocideyazidis  

The torment of the Yazidis continues: Yazidi refugees and displaced persons will be transported from one camp to another

Read: 2258     15:30     28 Сентябрь 2022    

The administration of the Dohuk region intends to move 250 Yazidi IDP families from one camp to another.

These 250 families were displaced from Sinjar after the events of August 2014 and settled in the village of Siji in the Simele district of Dohuk province.

Dayan Jaafar, director of the Department of Migration, Displacement and Crisis Coordination of the Kurdistan Regional Government in Dohuk province, said that some families have been living in unfinished houses and places belonging to villagers for eight years.

The displaced persons will be transferred to the Kabertu camp. 250 new housing places have been allocated in the camp, the Ministry of Migration and Displaced Persons of Iraq has provided 250 tents for housing and the German organization "Care" has provided the necessary assistance to families.

According to Dayan Jaafar, the transfer of displaced persons from the village of Siji to the camp will be done in several stages and this process is voluntary, not forced.

But according to the Yazidi families, who have already been relocated to the "new" camp, this is the same tent camp, and they will have to live in the field, like their ancestors thousands of years ago.

Kabertu 1 and Kabertu 2 camps are home to almost five thousand displaced families, that's 23 600 people.

There are 325 000 IDPs in Dohuk province, 135 000 of whom are spread across 15 camps, while 189 000 Yazidis temporarily displaced live outside the camps.

Dengê Êzdiya

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #genocideyazidis