Tags: "yazidishistory" (15)

"National identification"
The future of the Yezidis through, prism of the past to the present

Read: 5437     12:30     04 Ноябрь 2021    

* The editorial board has preserved the originality of the author's style and punctuation

* The opinions of the author and the editorial board may not coincide

In the preface of this article, I want to tell my readers that I have conducted a historical analysis of various bibliographic sources, and everything that will be written in this article is a factor of what is happening in the national consciousness of the Mankurts, the desired right to dominate the Mesopotamian territory at the expense of the Yezidi people. We will start with how we understand the concept of national identity or national identity. - National identity or national identity is one of the components of a person's identity associated with the perceived belonging to a certain ethnic group.

National identity is a historically established stable community of language, territory, economic life and mental makeup, manifested in the community of culture. A nation, like any historical phenomenon, is subject to the law of change, has its own history, beginning and end.

The Yezidi people are an ancient nation, full of feelings of national pride, like other nations of the world. Assimilation, assimilation of the ethnography of the Yezidis by the Mankurds, leads to the loss of one part of society, or the whole ethnic group, according to historical fact, which happened to part of the Yezidi people, with the emergence of a new ethnic group as a Kurdish nation. At the same time, the formation of their distinctive features and their replacement with those borrowed from another part, another historical ethnos (Yezidis), led in general, a new ethno-cultural shift in self-consciousness to a certain social group that previously represented a different community in terms of language, religion or culture. The assimilation system can be both voluntary and forced (violent) in nature — military annexation, partial extermination (genocide), forced relocation, legislative activity aimed at suppressing certain cultural and linguistic phenomena. You may ask, how does this happen? - They happen this way!!!

These actions aimed at the complete or partial destruction of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such by killing members of this group, causing serious harm to their health, forcibly preventing childbearing, forcibly transferring children, forcibly relocating or otherwise creating living conditions designed for the physical destruction of members of this group.
If we recall the year 08/03/2014, we will understand that the actions of the military formation in the person of the Islamic State (ISIL) were planned and aimed at the complete destruction of the Yezidis, the indigenous population of Shangal (Mesopotamia, Server Iraq), killed children, men, women, and Yezidi girls were taken into slavery by rape!!! A reasonable human question arises, at that time, where was the world community, where are the current laws of the United Nations for the protection of national minorities, who helped the Yezidi people??? In the legislation of Russia, such crimes are punishable by imprisonment for a term of twelve to twenty years with restriction of liberty, or life imprisonment, and this is the humanity of punishment!!!

Under international jurisdiction: The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, adopted by resolution 260 by the Head of Thirds, of the UN General Assembly on December 9, 1948, taking into account that the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution 96 of December 11, 1946 declared that genocide is a crime violating the norms of international law and contrary to the spirit and purposes of the United Nations, and that the civilized world condemns it, recognizing that throughout history genocide has brought great losses to humanity, and being convinced that international cooperation is necessary to rid humanity of this disgusting scourge.

As I have already noted, I am interested in the problem of responsibility for genocide in the context of such a subject as the State. One of the most characteristic features of modern international law is the formation of the law of international responsibility as a separate branch. Crucial in this process was the adoption by the International Law Commission in 2001 of the draft articles "Responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts". Even before the completion of the commission's work on the draft, a number of its provisions were recognized by the International Court of Justice as codification of customary norms. This act is dedicated to the responsibility of States and does not affect the responsibility of international organizations and the responsibility of States for the conduct of organizations, as well as the individual responsibility under international law of persons acting on behalf of the State. The basic principle of the law of international responsibility and one of the principles of international law in general is the principle of international legal responsibility: every internationally wrongful act entails international legal responsibility, and this is regulated by international law. The fact of an illegal act is sufficient for the onset of responsibility. The question is the responsibility of the state for the genocide, in this case on the date 08.2014, who should be held responsible by financial compensation for each Yezidi family? In fact, this is the most important thing, to the forms of state responsibility for genocide and to a specific list of measures. The doctrine of international law identifies 4 forms of State responsibility for genocide: "criminal", "material", "political", "moral", which can best be classified as: legal (criminal and material). The principle of individual responsibility under international criminal law was one of the most important theses of the Nuremberg Trials, which deals only with the responsibility of the State for committing aggression as an international crime. By virtue of this principle of responsibility under international criminal law, namely based on nationality, only natural persons are liable, as stated in part 2 of article 25 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court of July 17, 1998: "a person who has committed a crime falling under the jurisdiction of the Court bears individual responsibility and is subject to punishment in accordance with this Statute." Results: International law confirms that genocide, regardless of whether it is committed in peacetime or wartime, is a crime that violates the norms of international law, and against which they undertake to take measures to prevent and punish its commission.
And now we turn to the parallels of the essence of this article!

— The very strategy of the policy of the main Mankurt Barzani and his clan, and a number of other interested neighbors in the Middle East, is the goal of deliberately destroying the national identity of the Yezidi people. Ethnocide can be carried out both through the colonial policy of assimilation, and in the process of the formation of new nations through the destruction or change of the self-consciousness of the old (or part of them). Peoples who have become victims of ethnocide usually lose their historical memory or a significant part of it (see mankurts), in some cases also their self-name, culture, religion, and assimilate or occupy a subordinate, oppressed position in relation to those who subjected them to ethnocide.
When we say, "72 genocides", maybe we mean 72 times the Yezidis were subjected to ethnocide!!! Personally, I could not understand the designation of this figure. Most importantly, in fact, with our own eyes, we learned from sources in the Turkish State Library of the city of Ankara, there is the entire bibliography of the Ottoman Empire, where we calculated that only during the existence of the Ottoman Empire, the Yezidi people experienced 361 genocides, and these military attacks on villages and cities where the Yezidis lived occurred at least once every two years, which became the main reason for the split and fragmentation of the statehood of the Yezidi people.

Today it has become obvious the actions of the Mankurts against the Yezidis, their intentions are as follows, to paralyze the clergy from the Yezidi society, informatively applying double political standards, discriminatory approaches to assessing the actions and rights of population groups, this is characterized by various unscrupulous application of rules, assessments to the same type of actions of various subjects, for specific money buying some corrupt Yezidis, and this artificially creating the concept of Kurd-Yezid. I would like to draw your attention to those who consider themselves Kurdish Yezidis, who are they? What is their national identity?!, and you will see that these so-called Kurdish Yezidis are essentially atheists and half-breeds, for them there is no concept of honor and dignity, they only know how to sell themselves and their ancestors. I propose to replace the newly invented term Kurd-Yezid with the old word Mankurty.

Barzani Mankurd hunters settle on Yezidi websites and social pages, meet with Yezidis with their families and propagandizing with money and ideology of their masters, they try to lure our youth into their networks, offering their faithful friendship and faith in a single master. In a figurative sense, the word "mankurt" is used to refer to a person who has lost touch with his roots, who has forgotten about his kinship. The word "mankurt" has become a nickname that is fixed in journalism, as well as a common symbol of a person torn from his roots. The term "mankurtism" derived from it is also used..... That's who are the most dangerous today?! Humanity must know the truth about what the concept of the word Kurd-Yezid is.

Summarizing my article, I want to tell you one episode taken from history for general understanding. The mankurt's head was shaved and a shiri was put on it — a piece of skin from the front part of a newly killed camel. After that, his hands and feet were tied and a block was put on his neck so that he could not touch the ground with his head; and they left him in the desert for several days. In the scorching sun, shiri shrank, squeezing her head, her hair grew into her skin, causing unbearable suffering, intensified by thirst. After some time, the victim either died or lost the memory of his past life and became an ideal slave, devoid of his own will and infinitely submissive to the master. Mankurt slaves were valued much higher than ordinary ones. There is a well-known case in history when "mankurts", slavishly obeying their masters, killed their relatives. One of the facts follows. "And the day lasts longer than a century" tells how the young Neiman Zholaman, the son of Donenbai, who was captured, was made a mankurt. His mother Naiman-Ana searched for her son for a long time, but when she found him, he did not recognize her. Moreover, he killed her, on the orders of his masters......

«Dear Yezidis, take care of yourself, take care of your ancient religion, it is your religion that brings light and good on earth, you are a peaceful people, take care of your traditions, stop any actions and inactions of the Mankurts, do not be indifferent, and the Merciful Lord and your children will reward you according to your deeds.»

Author of the article: Deniz Mikhailovich Rozhkani

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