Tags: "humanrightsiraq" (4)

Yazidi organizations in the world: the decision to execute representatives of Yazidi youth is political and far from justice

Read: 2666     15:30     26 Апрель 2021    

Yazidi organizations in world condemned the death sentence imposed on four young Yazidis by an Iraqi court and said: "We, as Yazidi organizations representing our people, view the decision of the Iraqi court to execute four young Yazidis as a political decision with the mentality of ISIS terrorists."

In 2020, a crime occurred, two men, Arabs, were killed. The police detained four young men, Yazidis by nationality.

The Iraqi Supreme Court in Mosul ordered the execution of the four young men, which shocked the Yazidi community around the world.

According to statements and various sources, the young people have nothing to do with this crime.

In accordance with this, the Yazidi organizations made a statement:

We, as Yazidi organizations representing the rights and obligations of the Yazidi diaspora in Europe, declare that we are convinced of the innocence of these young people not just in words, but also on the available evidence of this fact. Our organizations never protect criminals.

If the mentality and legal understanding of the state is such, and if it protects the rights of some components and ignores the rights of others, it means that the state has completely lost its neutrality.

Here, we would like to remind the Iraqi State that it must do its job to protect the rights of national and religious minorities. Therefore, the Iraqi State must play its part, especially about the Yazidi community, which was massacred seven years ago. We remind you that in 2014, ISIL committed not human crimes against the Yazidi religious community, but organized mass killings.

As Yazidis, we expected the Iraqi State to take positive strategic steps towards the Yazidi community, but today we see the opposite.

This decision has caused resentment and a loss of hope among all Yazidis in Iraq and has also led to the fact that Yazidis living in tents and camps will not be able to return to their homes again for fear of lawlessness.

As we pointed out earlier, the decision to execute is a political decision and has nothing to do with law and justice. Consequently, this decision should be immediately withdrawn, and a fair investigation initiated under the supervision of international organizations.

We call on the Government of Iraq, the international community, and all influential countries to guarantee the fairness of the investigation of this case and to protect national minorities in this difficult situation, to release these innocent young people from the death penalty.

Yazidi organizations in Europe who signed the statement:

Yazidi Women's Rights Council (SMJ)

Yazidi Federation Center (NAV-EC)

Yazidi Youth Union (HCÊ)

Council of Shangal (MŞD)

Yazidi Syrian Alliance (HÊS)

Yazidi Artists' Center (NÇÊ)

Yazidi Council (SMGÊ).

Website Editorial board Yazidis.info and the “Cultural Center of the Caucasus Yezidis” join their European colleagues in the justice of the investigation of this case.

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