Yazidis demand trial of former ISIS members: challenges and hopes in northeastern Syria

Read: 835     12:00     08 Май 2024    

Although five years have passed on the military defeat of the Islamic State (ISIS) in its last stronghold in Deir ez-Zor Governorate in eastern Syria, the issue of repatriating the group’s members and families without any trial worries Yazidi people in Northeast Syria who demand their trial for the atrocities they committed.

After the defeat of ISIS in the town of Baghuz, east of Deir ez-Zor, thousands of the group’s members surrendered to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and have been, since then, in detention centers and prisons in the cities of Northeast Syria, while their families have been in two camps of Hawl and Roj since 2019.

Since then, following frequent appeals to the international community by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) to get support in addressing the issue of ISIS members and their families, some countries have repatriated their nationals without any trials or even holding them accountable for the atrocities they committed against the people of the region.

Several Yazidi men, women and children are still missing or held by ISIS, and thousands are still enduring harsh conditions in IDP camps.

“They must be held accountable”

Fawaz Ayo, a Yazidi from Northeast Syria region, says the issue of prosecuting ISIS members is very important to them, stressing that they must be held accountable for the crimes they committed against the Yazidi community. 

He adds that the Yazidis strongly demand the trial of ISIS members here in the areas of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES).

Ayo points out that they have no confidence in the European courts, and “through our follow-up, it is evident that all members who were handed over, got away with impunity.”

The Yazidi man emphasize demanding the international community to conduct criminal trials against ISIS members here on the Syrian territory.

Maryam Jendo, a Yazidi woman from Afrin region in northwest Syria, says large numbers of Yazidi women were abducted and killed by ISIS militants. “This is of a great pain.”

she adds, “As a Yazidi community, we demand an international trial and accountability for ISIS former members who were responsible for the killing of Yazidis.”

Jendo insists on establishing an official and recognized court that ensures prosecution for ISIS members.

Handing over based on international agreements

Nalin Rasho, co-chair of the Yazidi House in Hasakah Governorate, northeast Syria, says, “The process of handing over ISIS members to their governments must be done in accordance with international agreements.”

Rasho adds, “We, as the Yazidi House, are in continuous contact with the relevant authorities to liberate the remaining captives held by ISIS.”

She confirms that they fully trust the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) and its effective role in combating the group.

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Yazidis demand trial of former ISIS members: challenges and hopes in northeastern Syria

Read: 836     12:00     08 Май 2024    

Although five years have passed on the military defeat of the Islamic State (ISIS) in its last stronghold in Deir ez-Zor Governorate in eastern Syria, the issue of repatriating the group’s members and families without any trial worries Yazidi people in Northeast Syria who demand their trial for the atrocities they committed.

After the defeat of ISIS in the town of Baghuz, east of Deir ez-Zor, thousands of the group’s members surrendered to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and have been, since then, in detention centers and prisons in the cities of Northeast Syria, while their families have been in two camps of Hawl and Roj since 2019.

Since then, following frequent appeals to the international community by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) to get support in addressing the issue of ISIS members and their families, some countries have repatriated their nationals without any trials or even holding them accountable for the atrocities they committed against the people of the region.

Several Yazidi men, women and children are still missing or held by ISIS, and thousands are still enduring harsh conditions in IDP camps.

“They must be held accountable”

Fawaz Ayo, a Yazidi from Northeast Syria region, says the issue of prosecuting ISIS members is very important to them, stressing that they must be held accountable for the crimes they committed against the Yazidi community. 

He adds that the Yazidis strongly demand the trial of ISIS members here in the areas of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES).

Ayo points out that they have no confidence in the European courts, and “through our follow-up, it is evident that all members who were handed over, got away with impunity.”

The Yazidi man emphasize demanding the international community to conduct criminal trials against ISIS members here on the Syrian territory.

Maryam Jendo, a Yazidi woman from Afrin region in northwest Syria, says large numbers of Yazidi women were abducted and killed by ISIS militants. “This is of a great pain.”

she adds, “As a Yazidi community, we demand an international trial and accountability for ISIS former members who were responsible for the killing of Yazidis.”

Jendo insists on establishing an official and recognized court that ensures prosecution for ISIS members.

Handing over based on international agreements

Nalin Rasho, co-chair of the Yazidi House in Hasakah Governorate, northeast Syria, says, “The process of handing over ISIS members to their governments must be done in accordance with international agreements.”

Rasho adds, “We, as the Yazidi House, are in continuous contact with the relevant authorities to liberate the remaining captives held by ISIS.”

She confirms that they fully trust the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) and its effective role in combating the group.

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