Yazidi refugees face harsh winter conditions in Kurdistan

Read: 956     15:30     30 Ноябрь 2023    

The Yazidi refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in the Vashokani and Sare-Kani camps in Kurdistan are facing a severe humanitarian crisis as winter approaches. With the temperature dropping and the amount of rain increasing, the shortage of basic necessities such as fuel, electricity, medicines, food and medical services is exacerbating the already difficult living conditions in the camps.

"The situation of refugees in the camps has become more complicated with the onset of winter," said Mahmoud Cemil, chairman of the Committee on Refugee Affairs to Sarah Kanye. "Camp life is difficult, but winter brings additional difficulties. Fuel distribution is delayed, bread supplies are limited, and the tents are old and worn out and poorly protected from the weather".

Cemil's concern echoes that of human rights organizations and institutions of the Autonomous Administration, which work tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of refugees. However, their efforts are hampered by a lack of resources and international support.

"Many organizations that previously provided assistance to Yazidi refugees have stopped their support," Cemil explained. "We were informed that the aid was redirected to Ukraine and Israel."

Of particular concern is the absence of UNICEF, the most important humanitarian agency. Thousands of people live in these camps, including women, children and the elderly. The international community, especially the United Nations, must lend a helping hand to these camps to ensure their survival until they can return to their homes with dignity.

According to reports from the Vashokani and Sare-Kani camps, refugee tents are in disrepair and do not provide adequate shelter from the cold, wind, snow and winter rains. More than 31,621 internally displaced persons are currently seeking refuge in the camps of Sare-Kani and Vashokani.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #refugeesyazidis  

Yazidi refugees face harsh winter conditions in Kurdistan

Read: 957     15:30     30 Ноябрь 2023    

The Yazidi refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in the Vashokani and Sare-Kani camps in Kurdistan are facing a severe humanitarian crisis as winter approaches. With the temperature dropping and the amount of rain increasing, the shortage of basic necessities such as fuel, electricity, medicines, food and medical services is exacerbating the already difficult living conditions in the camps.

"The situation of refugees in the camps has become more complicated with the onset of winter," said Mahmoud Cemil, chairman of the Committee on Refugee Affairs to Sarah Kanye. "Camp life is difficult, but winter brings additional difficulties. Fuel distribution is delayed, bread supplies are limited, and the tents are old and worn out and poorly protected from the weather".

Cemil's concern echoes that of human rights organizations and institutions of the Autonomous Administration, which work tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of refugees. However, their efforts are hampered by a lack of resources and international support.

"Many organizations that previously provided assistance to Yazidi refugees have stopped their support," Cemil explained. "We were informed that the aid was redirected to Ukraine and Israel."

Of particular concern is the absence of UNICEF, the most important humanitarian agency. Thousands of people live in these camps, including women, children and the elderly. The international community, especially the United Nations, must lend a helping hand to these camps to ensure their survival until they can return to their homes with dignity.

According to reports from the Vashokani and Sare-Kani camps, refugee tents are in disrepair and do not provide adequate shelter from the cold, wind, snow and winter rains. More than 31,621 internally displaced persons are currently seeking refuge in the camps of Sare-Kani and Vashokani.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #refugeesyazidis