The Ministry of Immigration in Iraq has decided to create an operational headquarters to support the return of Yazidi refugees to Sinjar

Read: 918     15:30     23 Ноябрь 2023    

The decision of the Iraqi Ministry of Migration and Resettlement to establish a special operations center to facilitate the return of Yazidi refugees to Sinjar is a commendable step towards solving the ongoing displacement crisis. However, there are concerns about the feasibility and sustainability of the Government's plan to repatriate all Yazidi refugees by the end of 2023.

The current state of Sinjar presents serious obstacles to a successful return process. The lack of basic infrastructure, housing, public institutions, schools, hospitals, jobs and livelihoods makes the region unsuitable for a large-scale influx of refugees. The mere provision of humanitarian aid and durable goods, while necessary, does not solve the main problems that hinder the safe and sustainable return of the Yazidis.

The Ministry of Immigration and Resettlement should prioritize the rehabilitation of Sinjar's infrastructure and the establishment of basic services before encouraging the return of refugees. This approach will create a favorable environment for the Yazidi community to rebuild their lives and contribute to the revival of the region.

The repatriation of Yazidi refugees should be accompanied by a comprehensive plan to meet the critical needs of Sinjar. Rushing the return process without proper preparation will only exacerbate the existing difficulties faced by the Yazidi population.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis  

The Ministry of Immigration in Iraq has decided to create an operational headquarters to support the return of Yazidi refugees to Sinjar

Read: 919     15:30     23 Ноябрь 2023    

The decision of the Iraqi Ministry of Migration and Resettlement to establish a special operations center to facilitate the return of Yazidi refugees to Sinjar is a commendable step towards solving the ongoing displacement crisis. However, there are concerns about the feasibility and sustainability of the Government's plan to repatriate all Yazidi refugees by the end of 2023.

The current state of Sinjar presents serious obstacles to a successful return process. The lack of basic infrastructure, housing, public institutions, schools, hospitals, jobs and livelihoods makes the region unsuitable for a large-scale influx of refugees. The mere provision of humanitarian aid and durable goods, while necessary, does not solve the main problems that hinder the safe and sustainable return of the Yazidis.

The Ministry of Immigration and Resettlement should prioritize the rehabilitation of Sinjar's infrastructure and the establishment of basic services before encouraging the return of refugees. This approach will create a favorable environment for the Yazidi community to rebuild their lives and contribute to the revival of the region.

The repatriation of Yazidi refugees should be accompanied by a comprehensive plan to meet the critical needs of Sinjar. Rushing the return process without proper preparation will only exacerbate the existing difficulties faced by the Yazidi population.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis