Mir (emir, amir) - the title of the ruler of Yazidis

Read: 1971     15:00     14 Октябрь 2023    

Mir (emir, amir) is the title of the ruler or prince of Yazidis. When Yazidi principalities existed in the Middle Ages, the worlds (emirs, amirs) were at their head. Such principalities were Bokhtan, Bakhdinan, Hakkari, Haleb, Bidlis, Mahmadan and Sheikhan. Of all the above, only Sheikhan had religious significance, since the main shrine of Yazidis, Lalesh, was located on its territory. Mir Shehan (Emir of Sheikhan) - was the guardian of Lalesh and combined both political and religious power. For this reason, this principality turned out to be the most durable, although by the XIX century it had already lost political power, but it continues to hold religious power to this day. The power of the Sheikhan's World extended only to the territory of his principality. Yazidis of other regions had their own secular and spiritual leaders, although a special role was recognized for the ruler of Sheikhan.

After the death of Mir Tahsin beg (1933-2019), who represented Yazidis since 1944, a lot has changed in Sheikhan. The new World of Tahsin Beg was appointed under pressure from the local authorities, contrary to the will of Yazidi clergy and wise leaders, which caused distrust in him. Therefore, the World of Tahsin Beg is often called the "last world" of Yazidis.

Yazidi Community

Tags: #ezidi   #sindjar   #yezidis   #yazidis  

Mir (emir, amir) - the title of the ruler of Yazidis

Read: 1972     15:00     14 Октябрь 2023    

Mir (emir, amir) is the title of the ruler or prince of Yazidis. When Yazidi principalities existed in the Middle Ages, the worlds (emirs, amirs) were at their head. Such principalities were Bokhtan, Bakhdinan, Hakkari, Haleb, Bidlis, Mahmadan and Sheikhan. Of all the above, only Sheikhan had religious significance, since the main shrine of Yazidis, Lalesh, was located on its territory. Mir Shehan (Emir of Sheikhan) - was the guardian of Lalesh and combined both political and religious power. For this reason, this principality turned out to be the most durable, although by the XIX century it had already lost political power, but it continues to hold religious power to this day. The power of the Sheikhan's World extended only to the territory of his principality. Yazidis of other regions had their own secular and spiritual leaders, although a special role was recognized for the ruler of Sheikhan.

After the death of Mir Tahsin beg (1933-2019), who represented Yazidis since 1944, a lot has changed in Sheikhan. The new World of Tahsin Beg was appointed under pressure from the local authorities, contrary to the will of Yazidi clergy and wise leaders, which caused distrust in him. Therefore, the World of Tahsin Beg is often called the "last world" of Yazidis.

Yazidi Community

Tags: #ezidi   #sindjar   #yezidis   #yazidis