Kurdistan launches campaign for voluntary return of Yazidi IDPs

Read: 1331     15:30     26 Июль 2023    

On July 24, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) announced a campaign to encourage the voluntary return of Yazidi refugees and displaced persons currently living in Kurdistan to the Khazir district of the Nineveh province of Iraq.

The campaign was launched on the instructions of Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and was announced by Interior Minister Rebar Ahmed.

"The Khazir district has been attacked by terrorists, ISIS has become the latest terrorist group to commit the most horrific massacres and violence against Yazidi people in this area. Refugees and internally displaced persons are now living in peace and security in Kurdistan, where they are treated with respect," Ahmed said.

The Minister called on all parties in the country to unite and cooperate in restoring stability and security in the Nineveh plains. He also called for the long overdue implementation of article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution in order to restore normal life in these places.

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #refugeesyazidis  

Kurdistan launches campaign for voluntary return of Yazidi IDPs

Read: 1332     15:30     26 Июль 2023    

On July 24, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) announced a campaign to encourage the voluntary return of Yazidi refugees and displaced persons currently living in Kurdistan to the Khazir district of the Nineveh province of Iraq.

The campaign was launched on the instructions of Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and was announced by Interior Minister Rebar Ahmed.

"The Khazir district has been attacked by terrorists, ISIS has become the latest terrorist group to commit the most horrific massacres and violence against Yazidi people in this area. Refugees and internally displaced persons are now living in peace and security in Kurdistan, where they are treated with respect," Ahmed said.

The Minister called on all parties in the country to unite and cooperate in restoring stability and security in the Nineveh plains. He also called for the long overdue implementation of article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution in order to restore normal life in these places.

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #refugeesyazidis