Over 1,000 Yazidi applicants for Sinjar police positions have been crossed off the list

Read: 982     15:30     30 Март 2023    

After it was agreed to include 2,500 local Yazidis in the Sinjar police force on the basis of the Sinjar agreement concluded between the district and the center, the number of local Yazidis was reduced to 1,500 despite the fact that a budget had been approved for these people.

As the applicants themselves, who were excluded from the list, say, they again feel deceived: "They are trying to deceive us again, we have information that instead of us they want to hire displaced Arabs, among whom there are even supporters of ISIS. Corruption, lawlessness, smuggling, arms and drugs trafficking will flourish in the region again, Sinjar will be declared out-of-control territory and then they will introduce troops again, after which we can expect war and a repeat of the recent events.   

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis  

Over 1,000 Yazidi applicants for Sinjar police positions have been crossed off the list

Read: 983     15:30     30 Март 2023    

After it was agreed to include 2,500 local Yazidis in the Sinjar police force on the basis of the Sinjar agreement concluded between the district and the center, the number of local Yazidis was reduced to 1,500 despite the fact that a budget had been approved for these people.

As the applicants themselves, who were excluded from the list, say, they again feel deceived: "They are trying to deceive us again, we have information that instead of us they want to hire displaced Arabs, among whom there are even supporters of ISIS. Corruption, lawlessness, smuggling, arms and drugs trafficking will flourish in the region again, Sinjar will be declared out-of-control territory and then they will introduce troops again, after which we can expect war and a repeat of the recent events.   

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis