Baghdad and Erbil do not comply with the Sinjar Agreement

Read: 1845     15:30     21 Март 2023    

Al-Sudani and Masrour Barzani are discussing the Sinjar Agreement again. As it is known, Sinjar province (Shangal), the place of residence of Yazidi population, is considered controversial between Baghdad and Erbil. At the moment, there are many military groups on the territory of Sinjar that belong to different parties and dispute the interests of third countries.

At the meeting, both sides confirmed the Sinjar Agreement signed in October 2020 and the normalization of conditions in the area, in addition to resolving the cases of displaced Yazidi refugees and displaced persons and facilitating the return of displaced persons to their areas of origin by creating a voluntary return program, providing services and implementing projects in Sinjar.

The Sinjar Agreement includes many documents including the agreement, the most important of which are security, services, compensation for victims of ISIS attacks, justice for victims and the formation of police units from local Yazidi residents of the region.

The conversation touched upon the need to eliminate illegal armed groups and the settlement of the judicial system.

One of the most important questions in Sinjar is who will lead the province? Yazidi representative was nominated, but Baghdad and Erbil rejected him and wanted to put their official, so the issue came to an impasse. The procedures and circumstances forced both Governments to postpone consideration of the case for a later time.

The UN continues to stress the need to implement the Sinjar Agreement and puts pressure on the governments of the two countries to resolve the case of displaced Yazidis and provide services to those who have returned to Sinjar.

Dengê Êzdiya

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis   #sinjaragreement  

Baghdad and Erbil do not comply with the Sinjar Agreement

Read: 1846     15:30     21 Март 2023    

Al-Sudani and Masrour Barzani are discussing the Sinjar Agreement again. As it is known, Sinjar province (Shangal), the place of residence of Yazidi population, is considered controversial between Baghdad and Erbil. At the moment, there are many military groups on the territory of Sinjar that belong to different parties and dispute the interests of third countries.

At the meeting, both sides confirmed the Sinjar Agreement signed in October 2020 and the normalization of conditions in the area, in addition to resolving the cases of displaced Yazidi refugees and displaced persons and facilitating the return of displaced persons to their areas of origin by creating a voluntary return program, providing services and implementing projects in Sinjar.

The Sinjar Agreement includes many documents including the agreement, the most important of which are security, services, compensation for victims of ISIS attacks, justice for victims and the formation of police units from local Yazidi residents of the region.

The conversation touched upon the need to eliminate illegal armed groups and the settlement of the judicial system.

One of the most important questions in Sinjar is who will lead the province? Yazidi representative was nominated, but Baghdad and Erbil rejected him and wanted to put their official, so the issue came to an impasse. The procedures and circumstances forced both Governments to postpone consideration of the case for a later time.

The UN continues to stress the need to implement the Sinjar Agreement and puts pressure on the governments of the two countries to resolve the case of displaced Yazidis and provide services to those who have returned to Sinjar.

Dengê Êzdiya

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis   #sinjaragreement