Yazidi graduates have not received job assignments

Read: 1644     15:30     20 Март 2023    

First graduates from the disputed areas where Yazidi population lives are waiting for the decision of the Council of the Federal Service and the Ministry of Higher Education in Kurdistan regarding their appointment, but so far, the Council has not moved and there have been no appointments to work.

According to the decision of the House of Representatives, graduates from these regions are included in the decision, their names were registered with the Ministry of Higher Education of Kurdistan and Iraq.

Yazidi student, Lukman Badal, told Ezidi 24: "We are tired of waiting, a month ago a decision was made to appoint Kurdish and Arab students that we are Yazidi students, victims of conflicts, we do not know why we are not assigned jobs, we are also like other residents of this country and we also have rights. We demand to find a solution from higher authorities, to solve the case Yazidi graduates from disputed areas who graduated from colleges and institutes of Kurdistan".

Members of the House of Representatives say that Yazidi students, graduates in disputed areas, have been subjected to discrimination and injustice and this is not new today, but rather this injustice has been happening against them for many years.

Kurdish officials, in turn, state that the obstacles and their backstories are the result of routine and mismanagement, this is not discrimination against Yazidi students, therefore, the intervention of higher authorities is necessary to exercise the rights of these graduates and the following steps will be taken in this regard.


Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis  

Yazidi graduates have not received job assignments

Read: 1645     15:30     20 Март 2023    

First graduates from the disputed areas where Yazidi population lives are waiting for the decision of the Council of the Federal Service and the Ministry of Higher Education in Kurdistan regarding their appointment, but so far, the Council has not moved and there have been no appointments to work.

According to the decision of the House of Representatives, graduates from these regions are included in the decision, their names were registered with the Ministry of Higher Education of Kurdistan and Iraq.

Yazidi student, Lukman Badal, told Ezidi 24: "We are tired of waiting, a month ago a decision was made to appoint Kurdish and Arab students that we are Yazidi students, victims of conflicts, we do not know why we are not assigned jobs, we are also like other residents of this country and we also have rights. We demand to find a solution from higher authorities, to solve the case Yazidi graduates from disputed areas who graduated from colleges and institutes of Kurdistan".

Members of the House of Representatives say that Yazidi students, graduates in disputed areas, have been subjected to discrimination and injustice and this is not new today, but rather this injustice has been happening against them for many years.

Kurdish officials, in turn, state that the obstacles and their backstories are the result of routine and mismanagement, this is not discrimination against Yazidi students, therefore, the intervention of higher authorities is necessary to exercise the rights of these graduates and the following steps will be taken in this regard.


Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis