More than 2,000 Yazidi families have returned to Sinjar

Read: 949     12:30     01 Март 2023    

The Minister of Migration and Displaced Persons of Iraq, Evan Faik Jabro, announced that more than 2,000 previously displaced Yazidi families have returned to their hometowns and villages in Sinjar.

The Minister noted that 1.5 million Iraqi dinars ($1,027) will be provided to each returning family to their homes in Sinjar, at the moment several families have already received this assistance.

However, despite the return of some families, thousands of Yazidis still do not dare to return to their homes due to the inadequate situation of insecurity and State authorities.

In October 2020, Erbil and Baghdad reached an agreement to normalize the situation in Sinjar in order to facilitate the safe return of displaced Yazidi families as a result of the ISIS terrorist attack on the Yazidi region. The agreement stipulated that all armed groups, including the pro-Iranian Hashd al-Shaabi militia and the PKK, would be expelled from the area, but these forces are still in Sinjar. Yazidis are guarded by local Yazidi self-defense units, which were supposed to become the police in the region. Erbil accuses Baghdad of not fulfilling its obligations in this regard.

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #sinjar   #iraqyazidis  

More than 2,000 Yazidi families have returned to Sinjar

Read: 950     12:30     01 Март 2023    

The Minister of Migration and Displaced Persons of Iraq, Evan Faik Jabro, announced that more than 2,000 previously displaced Yazidi families have returned to their hometowns and villages in Sinjar.

The Minister noted that 1.5 million Iraqi dinars ($1,027) will be provided to each returning family to their homes in Sinjar, at the moment several families have already received this assistance.

However, despite the return of some families, thousands of Yazidis still do not dare to return to their homes due to the inadequate situation of insecurity and State authorities.

In October 2020, Erbil and Baghdad reached an agreement to normalize the situation in Sinjar in order to facilitate the safe return of displaced Yazidi families as a result of the ISIS terrorist attack on the Yazidi region. The agreement stipulated that all armed groups, including the pro-Iranian Hashd al-Shaabi militia and the PKK, would be expelled from the area, but these forces are still in Sinjar. Yazidis are guarded by local Yazidi self-defense units, which were supposed to become the police in the region. Erbil accuses Baghdad of not fulfilling its obligations in this regard.

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #sinjar   #iraqyazidis