Another reduction in livelihoods for the Christian and Yazidi minority in Iraq

Read: 1159     15:30     28 Февраль 2023    

Iraq has adopted a law banning the import, production and sale of alcoholic beverages. The law was published in the newspaper Waqiah al-Iraqiya, which is the official newspaper that includes the publication of laws ratified by the President of the Republic. The last issue of the newspaper reported on the municipal law in article No. 14: "It is prohibited to import, produce and sell alcoholic beverages of all kinds. A fine of 10 to 25 million Iraqi dinars is provided for violation of the law."

It should be noted that in Iraq, the vast majority of those who import and sell alcoholic beverages are representatives of national and religious minorities — Christians and Yazidis. Thousands of families receive their livelihood and support from this sector, with the exception of imports and production. Christians and Yazidis own wholesale and retail stores, as well as dozens of restaurants and bars that sell alcoholic beverages.

Khaled Ali, a representative of the Yazidi minority who lives in the Nineveh plain, told local Yazidi media that after graduating from university, due to the lack of job opportunities in the Yazidi regions, he started working in Baghdad as a salesman, he opened an alcoholic beverages store, which is his only income and earnings. Khaled noted that this decision of the government is unfair, the young man has three brothers who study at universities, they will be forced to drop out because the family will actually have nothing to pay for their studies, and there is no means of subsistence left.

Representatives of the Christian minority who own restaurants and shops of alcoholic beverages also complain about the law. The decision to ban alcoholic beverages will reduce the livelihoods of thousands of people.

It should be noted that the Iraqi Council of Ministers decided that at the seventh regular session, which took place on Tuesday, February 14, "to introduce an additional customs tax in the amount of 200% of the unit of measurement of the alcoholic beverage product imported into Iraq from all countries for four years without reduction and control on the local market". During the period of application of additional customs duties.

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #iraqminority  

Another reduction in livelihoods for the Christian and Yazidi minority in Iraq

Read: 1160     15:30     28 Февраль 2023    

Iraq has adopted a law banning the import, production and sale of alcoholic beverages. The law was published in the newspaper Waqiah al-Iraqiya, which is the official newspaper that includes the publication of laws ratified by the President of the Republic. The last issue of the newspaper reported on the municipal law in article No. 14: "It is prohibited to import, produce and sell alcoholic beverages of all kinds. A fine of 10 to 25 million Iraqi dinars is provided for violation of the law."

It should be noted that in Iraq, the vast majority of those who import and sell alcoholic beverages are representatives of national and religious minorities — Christians and Yazidis. Thousands of families receive their livelihood and support from this sector, with the exception of imports and production. Christians and Yazidis own wholesale and retail stores, as well as dozens of restaurants and bars that sell alcoholic beverages.

Khaled Ali, a representative of the Yazidi minority who lives in the Nineveh plain, told local Yazidi media that after graduating from university, due to the lack of job opportunities in the Yazidi regions, he started working in Baghdad as a salesman, he opened an alcoholic beverages store, which is his only income and earnings. Khaled noted that this decision of the government is unfair, the young man has three brothers who study at universities, they will be forced to drop out because the family will actually have nothing to pay for their studies, and there is no means of subsistence left.

Representatives of the Christian minority who own restaurants and shops of alcoholic beverages also complain about the law. The decision to ban alcoholic beverages will reduce the livelihoods of thousands of people.

It should be noted that the Iraqi Council of Ministers decided that at the seventh regular session, which took place on Tuesday, February 14, "to introduce an additional customs tax in the amount of 200% of the unit of measurement of the alcoholic beverage product imported into Iraq from all countries for four years without reduction and control on the local market". During the period of application of additional customs duties.

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #iraqminority