Angelina Jolie on her visit to Sinjar

Read: 1710     12:30     06 Февраль 2023    

After her visit to the Sinjar region, famous American actress Angelina Jolie said that her trip with the Yazidi activist and goodwill ambassador to the UN Nadia Murad was emotional.

Jolie said in press statements that she spent the whole day in Sinjar with Yazidis who suffered from ISIS terrorists, and that it was an honor for her.

Angelina Jolie: "Nadia and I also visited Kocho village, Nadia showed me her parents' house where she grew up, her school, where ISIS militants separated women and men before enslaving and killing them en masse. It is a great honor for me to meet and get to know these people, these surviving women. Nadia and I also visited the Yazidi cemetery, where the victims of the genocide are buried, thereby paying tribute to them".

As Nadia herself says, it is a great honor for her to show Angelina the strength of the Yazidi people and share with her the story of the survival and resilience of Yazidis, although it was very hard and painful for her to return to her home in the village of Kocho:

"This trip also reminded me that our work to protect minorities and women in Sinjar and in the whole world is far from over. If we want what happened to Yazidis not to happen again, we must eliminate the root causes of genocide and sexual violence.

We cannot rest until women, girls and vulnerable communities around the world have gender equality, educational and economic opportunities and the right to make their own decisions about their lives and their families".

Recall that the famous American actress and Goodwill Ambassador to the UN Angelina Jolie, accompanied by the Yazidi Ambassador and activist Nadia Murad, the French Ambassador to Iraq and the Consul General of France, made an official visit to the Sinjar area to shed light in the media on the general situation of the Yazidi community in general, in particular the Sinjar area, as well as to attract the attention of the international community. communities to the current problems of Yazidi people and the restoration of their territories.

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Angelina Jolie on her visit to Sinjar

Read: 1711     12:30     06 Февраль 2023    

After her visit to the Sinjar region, famous American actress Angelina Jolie said that her trip with the Yazidi activist and goodwill ambassador to the UN Nadia Murad was emotional.

Jolie said in press statements that she spent the whole day in Sinjar with Yazidis who suffered from ISIS terrorists, and that it was an honor for her.

Angelina Jolie: "Nadia and I also visited Kocho village, Nadia showed me her parents' house where she grew up, her school, where ISIS militants separated women and men before enslaving and killing them en masse. It is a great honor for me to meet and get to know these people, these surviving women. Nadia and I also visited the Yazidi cemetery, where the victims of the genocide are buried, thereby paying tribute to them".

As Nadia herself says, it is a great honor for her to show Angelina the strength of the Yazidi people and share with her the story of the survival and resilience of Yazidis, although it was very hard and painful for her to return to her home in the village of Kocho:

"This trip also reminded me that our work to protect minorities and women in Sinjar and in the whole world is far from over. If we want what happened to Yazidis not to happen again, we must eliminate the root causes of genocide and sexual violence.

We cannot rest until women, girls and vulnerable communities around the world have gender equality, educational and economic opportunities and the right to make their own decisions about their lives and their families".

Recall that the famous American actress and Goodwill Ambassador to the UN Angelina Jolie, accompanied by the Yazidi Ambassador and activist Nadia Murad, the French Ambassador to Iraq and the Consul General of France, made an official visit to the Sinjar area to shed light in the media on the general situation of the Yazidi community in general, in particular the Sinjar area, as well as to attract the attention of the international community. communities to the current problems of Yazidi people and the restoration of their territories.

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