The Yazidi Mir calls on Baghdad to turn Sinjar into a separate province

Read: 1739     15:30     27 ЯНВАРЬ 2023    

The spiritual leader of the Yazidi community of Iraq, Mir Hazim Tahsin Beg, met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani in Baghdad to discuss the difficulties his Yazidi people continue to face. He called on the federal authorities to recognize Sinjar as a province and help Yazidis to establish their "university".

The Yazidi delegation also asked Prime Minister Al-Sudani to create a fund for the restoration of Sinjar and to help internally displaced persons (IDPs) return to their historical lands to their homes. The implementation of the pact previously reached between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the Federal Government has also not remained untouched, it is necessary to normalize the situation in Sinjar and expel banned military groups from this area. Yazidi district of Sinjar, located in Nineveh province, was brutally attacked by ISIS (DAESH) terrorists in August 2014, who committed numerous acts of genocide there, killing hundreds of people, abducting thousands of women and children, destroying about 70 Yazidi shrines, forcing almost 400,000 people to flee.

Most of those who fled remain internally displaced in Kurdistan, while Sinjar remains deprived of quality public services and a militarized zone due to the presence of illegal armed groups.


Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis  

The Yazidi Mir calls on Baghdad to turn Sinjar into a separate province

Read: 1740     15:30     27 ЯНВАРЬ 2023    

The spiritual leader of the Yazidi community of Iraq, Mir Hazim Tahsin Beg, met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani in Baghdad to discuss the difficulties his Yazidi people continue to face. He called on the federal authorities to recognize Sinjar as a province and help Yazidis to establish their "university".

The Yazidi delegation also asked Prime Minister Al-Sudani to create a fund for the restoration of Sinjar and to help internally displaced persons (IDPs) return to their historical lands to their homes. The implementation of the pact previously reached between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the Federal Government has also not remained untouched, it is necessary to normalize the situation in Sinjar and expel banned military groups from this area. Yazidi district of Sinjar, located in Nineveh province, was brutally attacked by ISIS (DAESH) terrorists in August 2014, who committed numerous acts of genocide there, killing hundreds of people, abducting thousands of women and children, destroying about 70 Yazidi shrines, forcing almost 400,000 people to flee.

Most of those who fled remain internally displaced in Kurdistan, while Sinjar remains deprived of quality public services and a militarized zone due to the presence of illegal armed groups.


Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis