Baghdad to consider agreement on border security in Sinjar

Read: 1956     12:30     24 ЯНВАРЬ 2023    

A delegation of the Kurdistan Parliament has arrived in Baghdad to discuss the UN-brokered agreement between the regional and federal governments on normalizing the situation in the Sinjar region where the Yezidi population lives.

In an interview with local Yezidi online media, Kurdistan representative Arshad Lolani noted that in the next two days they will hold several meetings with the Interior Minister and the Security and Defense Committee in the Iraqi parliament.

He added that the purpose of the visit is to discuss the issue of the Sinjar Agreement, the intervention of neighboring countries, as well as the search for a mechanism to resolve these issues.

In October 2020, the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Government of Iraq reached an agreement to normalize the situation in the Sinjar region of Nineveh province populated by Yezidis, on the basis of which all banned armed groups were to be expelled from there. The Yezidi self-defense units and the police were to remain in Sinjar, which should consist of half of the local representatives of the Yezidi population.

The agreement aims to pave the way for the safe return of displaced Yezidis to their hometown’s years after the ISIS genocide.

The KRG accuses the federal government of failing to force the armed groups (PKK) and the pro-Iranian militia Hashd al-Shaabi to leave Sinjar.

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis  

Baghdad to consider agreement on border security in Sinjar

Read: 1957     12:30     24 ЯНВАРЬ 2023    

A delegation of the Kurdistan Parliament has arrived in Baghdad to discuss the UN-brokered agreement between the regional and federal governments on normalizing the situation in the Sinjar region where the Yezidi population lives.

In an interview with local Yezidi online media, Kurdistan representative Arshad Lolani noted that in the next two days they will hold several meetings with the Interior Minister and the Security and Defense Committee in the Iraqi parliament.

He added that the purpose of the visit is to discuss the issue of the Sinjar Agreement, the intervention of neighboring countries, as well as the search for a mechanism to resolve these issues.

In October 2020, the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Government of Iraq reached an agreement to normalize the situation in the Sinjar region of Nineveh province populated by Yezidis, on the basis of which all banned armed groups were to be expelled from there. The Yezidi self-defense units and the police were to remain in Sinjar, which should consist of half of the local representatives of the Yezidi population.

The agreement aims to pave the way for the safe return of displaced Yezidis to their hometown’s years after the ISIS genocide.

The KRG accuses the federal government of failing to force the armed groups (PKK) and the pro-Iranian militia Hashd al-Shaabi to leave Sinjar.

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis