Do not forget the deceased and the traditions of our Yazidi people

Read: 1859     12:30     23 Ноябрь 2022    

Remember and respect our deceased ancestors.

Two years have passed since the death of Pir Kulikhan - Teimuraz Khalilovich Mamoyev, but this does not mean that his family members and acquaintances do not remember him. The widow of Pir Kulikhan, Pir Khazal, has been taking out food in the name of the deceased spouse for the second year. According to Yazidi traditions, Yazidis distribute food in the name of deceased relatives, symbolizing good deeds (donations) and thereby honoring the memory of deceased relatives.

Pir Kulikhan was an honest, simple and not mercantile person. All those who were familiar with the Feast of Kulikhan remember his good deeds, how in the morning he distributed hot bread to friends and just passers-by people as a sign of respect for our ancestors:

"Do good and good will be rewarded, honor the deceased, distribute food to neighbors in need or to a traveler on the road and it will be rewarded by your ancestor, you and your children".

Pir Khazal argues that not only the laity should do good and make donations to the clergy, do good and be merciful, observe traditions and rituals, but the clergy, in turn, should keep in touch with their laity by their example, talk about religion, communicate with young people, remind about the traditions and rituals of the Yazidi people.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #traditionyazidis  

Do not forget the deceased and the traditions of our Yazidi people

Read: 1860     12:30     23 Ноябрь 2022    

Remember and respect our deceased ancestors.

Two years have passed since the death of Pir Kulikhan - Teimuraz Khalilovich Mamoyev, but this does not mean that his family members and acquaintances do not remember him. The widow of Pir Kulikhan, Pir Khazal, has been taking out food in the name of the deceased spouse for the second year. According to Yazidi traditions, Yazidis distribute food in the name of deceased relatives, symbolizing good deeds (donations) and thereby honoring the memory of deceased relatives.

Pir Kulikhan was an honest, simple and not mercantile person. All those who were familiar with the Feast of Kulikhan remember his good deeds, how in the morning he distributed hot bread to friends and just passers-by people as a sign of respect for our ancestors:

"Do good and good will be rewarded, honor the deceased, distribute food to neighbors in need or to a traveler on the road and it will be rewarded by your ancestor, you and your children".

Pir Khazal argues that not only the laity should do good and make donations to the clergy, do good and be merciful, observe traditions and rituals, but the clergy, in turn, should keep in touch with their laity by their example, talk about religion, communicate with young people, remind about the traditions and rituals of the Yazidi people.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #traditionyazidis