Mir of Yazidis will discuss with the Pope the situation of Yazidis and Shangal in general

Read: 2094     12:30     07 Ноябрь 2022    

The spiritual leader of the Yazidis in Iraq, Mir Hazim Tahsin Beg, announced that this month he will visit the Vatican, where he will meet with the Pope.

"I have decided to visit the Vatican and meet with the Pope," the Yazidi spiritual leader told local Yazidi media at a press conference. As for the purpose of the visit, Mir Hazim Tahsin Beg stated that he intends to discuss with the Pope the situation of the Yazidis of Shangal.

Pope Francis has repeatedly expressed his concern about the problems of the Yazidi people. The last time the Roman Pontiff visited Iraq was last year, during his historic trip to Iraq, visiting the northern regions of the country that were previously under the control of the Islamic State group and called on the population who had to flee from home to return to their homeland.

Dengê Êzdiya


Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis  

Mir of Yazidis will discuss with the Pope the situation of Yazidis and Shangal in general

Read: 2095     12:30     07 Ноябрь 2022    

The spiritual leader of the Yazidis in Iraq, Mir Hazim Tahsin Beg, announced that this month he will visit the Vatican, where he will meet with the Pope.

"I have decided to visit the Vatican and meet with the Pope," the Yazidi spiritual leader told local Yazidi media at a press conference. As for the purpose of the visit, Mir Hazim Tahsin Beg stated that he intends to discuss with the Pope the situation of the Yazidis of Shangal.

Pope Francis has repeatedly expressed his concern about the problems of the Yazidi people. The last time the Roman Pontiff visited Iraq was last year, during his historic trip to Iraq, visiting the northern regions of the country that were previously under the control of the Islamic State group and called on the population who had to flee from home to return to their homeland.

Dengê Êzdiya


Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis