Yazda case management team continue providing support to the victims of human rights violation

Read: 1426     15:30     24 Июнь 2020    

Yazda with the support of Stichting Vluchteling (SV) throughout the project “Supporting Families Recently arrived from Syria” is providing essential aid in Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq to beneficiaries released from Syria and survived from ISIS captivity.

Under this project, Yazda’s Case Management team has been providing several services such as counselling and psychosocial support to families of children and women who have recently been released, specialized medical care, access to food, non-food items, and legal aid. This is done with the continuous follow-ups by the Case Managers including visits to the camps to check the development and response of the beneficiaries of the services that Yazda is providing.

Yazda’s legal aid under Case Management has been providing legal documentation. Due to the circumstances of their enslavement, a large number of survivors no lost all of their legal documentation (e.g., government IDs, birth, and marriage certificates). So far 158 beneficiaries benefited from these services over the last 13 months from Case Management. Under this Project, in May, Yazda also conducted an emergency aid distribution of 398 baskets containing food, hygiene kits, and phone credit in the camps in Duhok Governorate reaching a total of 267 beneficiaries directly and around 1500 indirectly.

With this emergency distribution, Yazda helped to mitigate some vulnerabilities that COVID-19 imposed on our beneficiaries and to keep the communication channels open with our Case Managers, since the mental health of many people in the camps deteriorated significantly.



Yazda case management team continue providing support to the victims of human rights violation

Read: 1427     15:30     24 Июнь 2020    

Yazda with the support of Stichting Vluchteling (SV) throughout the project “Supporting Families Recently arrived from Syria” is providing essential aid in Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq to beneficiaries released from Syria and survived from ISIS captivity.

Under this project, Yazda’s Case Management team has been providing several services such as counselling and psychosocial support to families of children and women who have recently been released, specialized medical care, access to food, non-food items, and legal aid. This is done with the continuous follow-ups by the Case Managers including visits to the camps to check the development and response of the beneficiaries of the services that Yazda is providing.

Yazda’s legal aid under Case Management has been providing legal documentation. Due to the circumstances of their enslavement, a large number of survivors no lost all of their legal documentation (e.g., government IDs, birth, and marriage certificates). So far 158 beneficiaries benefited from these services over the last 13 months from Case Management. Under this Project, in May, Yazda also conducted an emergency aid distribution of 398 baskets containing food, hygiene kits, and phone credit in the camps in Duhok Governorate reaching a total of 267 beneficiaries directly and around 1500 indirectly.

With this emergency distribution, Yazda helped to mitigate some vulnerabilities that COVID-19 imposed on our beneficiaries and to keep the communication channels open with our Case Managers, since the mental health of many people in the camps deteriorated significantly.

