Voice of Nadiya Murad Foreword to the War Crimes Investigative Journalist's Handbook

Read: 804     12:00     21 Март 2024    

15 August 2014 was a black day for the village of Kocho in Iraq. ISIS, in pursuit of their murderous aims, committed insane atrocities, taking the lives of more than 400 people and capturing women and children. This nightmare left irreparable wounds in the hearts of the Yazidi survivors, returning again and again in their nightmares. The greatest pain lies not only in the loss of loved ones, but also in the fact that the terrible scale of the tragedy has gone unnoticed by the outside world, lost among the many news stories of conflicts and disasters around the world.

Yet, in this gloom, the voice of a Yazidi woman whose words penetrate the shroud of darkness - Nadia Murad - has risen. Her story, the story of her people, was a powerful reminder of the inhumane crimes committed by ISIS terrorists. Her call for peace - to hear, see and remember - gave hope for justice in the eyes of those who had lost everything.

Journalists, in this world of information noise, play a vital role in drawing attention to such horrors. Their investigations are a bridge between the world and those who suffer in silence, calling for action, for remembrance and for justice. Nadia Murad emphasises that every hand raised, every piece written is a step towards highlighting the stories of those who have been deprived of even the right to human existence.

"As a survivor of sexual violence and genocide during conflict, I am often asked what we want.

I will be forever grateful to the journalists who travelled to the camps to give us the floor. Many of them, such as Jenna Karaeski, co-author of my memoirs, were kind, sensitive and took the time to understand me first before asking questions.

However, I also met many other journalists. They behaved so callously to survivors that it reminded me of the infamous British journalist who conducted interviews in the Congo in 1964 and, according to witnesses, asked women fleeing the civil war, "Are there any raped people here who speak English?"

We survivors know that journalists move on. There is always the next topic to cover. The next crisis and suffering to tell the world about. However, I believe that it is important to follow the topic even after the "hot" phase of the conflict is over, to see what happens or, as in our case and many others, does not happen afterwards.

Investigative journalists who work in war zones do have the power to make a difference, and this handbook is an essential tool for those of them who make the decision to shine a light on our stories.

In this way, journalists are not just newsmakers. They are the voice of those who cannot fend for themselves. Their work is not only enlightening but also a light of hope for those who seek justice and understanding. Let every line written by journalists be a testimony of life and suffering, of hope and struggle. May our pen be a sword that breaks down walls of silence and persecution and gives a voice to those who have been deprived of it for so long," says Nadia Murad.

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Voice of Nadiya Murad Foreword to the War Crimes Investigative Journalist's Handbook

Read: 805     12:00     21 Март 2024    

15 August 2014 was a black day for the village of Kocho in Iraq. ISIS, in pursuit of their murderous aims, committed insane atrocities, taking the lives of more than 400 people and capturing women and children. This nightmare left irreparable wounds in the hearts of the Yazidi survivors, returning again and again in their nightmares. The greatest pain lies not only in the loss of loved ones, but also in the fact that the terrible scale of the tragedy has gone unnoticed by the outside world, lost among the many news stories of conflicts and disasters around the world.

Yet, in this gloom, the voice of a Yazidi woman whose words penetrate the shroud of darkness - Nadia Murad - has risen. Her story, the story of her people, was a powerful reminder of the inhumane crimes committed by ISIS terrorists. Her call for peace - to hear, see and remember - gave hope for justice in the eyes of those who had lost everything.

Journalists, in this world of information noise, play a vital role in drawing attention to such horrors. Their investigations are a bridge between the world and those who suffer in silence, calling for action, for remembrance and for justice. Nadia Murad emphasises that every hand raised, every piece written is a step towards highlighting the stories of those who have been deprived of even the right to human existence.

"As a survivor of sexual violence and genocide during conflict, I am often asked what we want.

I will be forever grateful to the journalists who travelled to the camps to give us the floor. Many of them, such as Jenna Karaeski, co-author of my memoirs, were kind, sensitive and took the time to understand me first before asking questions.

However, I also met many other journalists. They behaved so callously to survivors that it reminded me of the infamous British journalist who conducted interviews in the Congo in 1964 and, according to witnesses, asked women fleeing the civil war, "Are there any raped people here who speak English?"

We survivors know that journalists move on. There is always the next topic to cover. The next crisis and suffering to tell the world about. However, I believe that it is important to follow the topic even after the "hot" phase of the conflict is over, to see what happens or, as in our case and many others, does not happen afterwards.

Investigative journalists who work in war zones do have the power to make a difference, and this handbook is an essential tool for those of them who make the decision to shine a light on our stories.

In this way, journalists are not just newsmakers. They are the voice of those who cannot fend for themselves. Their work is not only enlightening but also a light of hope for those who seek justice and understanding. Let every line written by journalists be a testimony of life and suffering, of hope and struggle. May our pen be a sword that breaks down walls of silence and persecution and gives a voice to those who have been deprived of it for so long," says Nadia Murad.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #nadiamurad