Syrian government siege of Kurdish and Yazidi neighborhoods in Aleppo raises concerns

Read: 658     15:30     08 Декабрь 2023    

The ongoing siege by Syrian Government forces of the Sheikh Maqsud, Eshrafieh and Shehbai districts of Aleppo, which are home to Kurdish and Yazidi minorities, has become a source of grave concern for the international community. The siege has resulted in numerous hardships for the civilian population, including severe food and water shortages, limited access to medicine and an increased risk of casualties due to the ongoing fighting.

Mihemed Amin, co-chair of the People's Municipality of Sheikh Maqsoud and Eshrafieh, characterized the blockade as a "political siege" that goes beyond the Syrian government's own plans. He also expressed fear that living conditions and basic services in these communities will deteriorate further if the blockade continues.

The besieged areas are home to a large proportion of vulnerable populations, including more than 200,000 Kurdish and 6,000 Yazidi refugees displaced from Afrin. Their plight has drawn widespread condemnation from the UN and other international organizations, which have called on the Syrian government to lift the siege and allow the delivery of humanitarian aid.

The siege of Sheikh Maqsood, Eshrafieh and Shehbai represents a significant escalation in the ongoing conflict between the Syrian government and Kurdish forces, who have sought autonomy in the region since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011. The Syrian government has labeled Kurdish groups as terrorists and promised to crack down on their activities.

The international community has reacted to the siege with unified disapproval. The United States, the European Union and the United Nations have supported calls for an immediate end to the siege and the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid. Unfortunately, the Syrian Government has so far failed to heed those calls, leaving the fate of those besieged communities and their inhabitants hanging in the balance.

The siege of Sheikh Maqsoud, Eshrafieh and Shehbai is a humanitarian crisis that requires immediate attention. The international community must collectively exert greater pressure on the Syrian Government to end the blockade and facilitate the delivery of life-saving aid to those in dire need.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #syriayazidis  

Syrian government siege of Kurdish and Yazidi neighborhoods in Aleppo raises concerns

Read: 659     15:30     08 Декабрь 2023    

The ongoing siege by Syrian Government forces of the Sheikh Maqsud, Eshrafieh and Shehbai districts of Aleppo, which are home to Kurdish and Yazidi minorities, has become a source of grave concern for the international community. The siege has resulted in numerous hardships for the civilian population, including severe food and water shortages, limited access to medicine and an increased risk of casualties due to the ongoing fighting.

Mihemed Amin, co-chair of the People's Municipality of Sheikh Maqsoud and Eshrafieh, characterized the blockade as a "political siege" that goes beyond the Syrian government's own plans. He also expressed fear that living conditions and basic services in these communities will deteriorate further if the blockade continues.

The besieged areas are home to a large proportion of vulnerable populations, including more than 200,000 Kurdish and 6,000 Yazidi refugees displaced from Afrin. Their plight has drawn widespread condemnation from the UN and other international organizations, which have called on the Syrian government to lift the siege and allow the delivery of humanitarian aid.

The siege of Sheikh Maqsood, Eshrafieh and Shehbai represents a significant escalation in the ongoing conflict between the Syrian government and Kurdish forces, who have sought autonomy in the region since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011. The Syrian government has labeled Kurdish groups as terrorists and promised to crack down on their activities.

The international community has reacted to the siege with unified disapproval. The United States, the European Union and the United Nations have supported calls for an immediate end to the siege and the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid. Unfortunately, the Syrian Government has so far failed to heed those calls, leaving the fate of those besieged communities and their inhabitants hanging in the balance.

The siege of Sheikh Maqsoud, Eshrafieh and Shehbai is a humanitarian crisis that requires immediate attention. The international community must collectively exert greater pressure on the Syrian Government to end the blockade and facilitate the delivery of life-saving aid to those in dire need.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #syriayazidis