Climate change is harming Iraq's Yazidi community

Read: 905     15:30     04 Декабрь 2023    

At the 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, the devastating impact of climate change on vulnerable communities around the world caught the attention of policymakers. Iraq, ranked fifth among the countries most affected by climate change, is a prime example of the far-reaching impacts of this global crisis.

Some of the most climate vulnerable regions in Iraq are Sinjar province and the Nineveh Valley, home to the Yazidi population. With each passing year, drought is increasingly destroying the crops of the locals. Drinking wells for people and animals are drying up and fruit trees are drying up. Iraq's agricultural sector has been affected by climate change, losing 50 percent of its farmland. This loss has had a profound impact on the country's economy and food security, especially in regions such as Sinjar and the Nineveh Valley.

Against the backdrop of these challenges, COP28 offers a glimmer of hope for Iraq and other countries vulnerable to climate change. The establishment of the fund by the President of the United Arab Emirates provides a much-needed lifeline by offering financial assistance to countries that adhere to certain conditions.

Initiated by UN agencies such as UNDP, UNIB, FAO and the World Health Organization, these initiatives represent a concerted global effort to mitigate climate change.

Local representatives of Sinjar Province and Nineveh Valley hope to receive assistance and compensation from the Iraqi central authorities this and support for vulnerable communities such as Iraqi Yazidis.

The expected support to vulnerable communities, especially the Iraqi Yazidis, is crucial for their well-being and livelihood protection. By providing assistance and compensation, the Iraqi government can alleviate the difficulties faced by these communities and enable them to cope with the challenges posed by climate change.

Overall, the initiatives undertaken by UN agencies and the expected support from the Iraqi government represent a positive development in addressing the climate crisis and its impact on vulnerable communities in Iraq. These efforts have the potential to alleviate suffering, build resilience and contribute to a more sustainable future for the region.

While Iraq faces an uphill struggle to adapt to climate change, the unwavering support of the international community and the results of COP28 can play a key role in alleviating the suffering of Iraqis and protecting their future.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis  

Climate change is harming Iraq's Yazidi community

Read: 906     15:30     04 Декабрь 2023    

At the 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, the devastating impact of climate change on vulnerable communities around the world caught the attention of policymakers. Iraq, ranked fifth among the countries most affected by climate change, is a prime example of the far-reaching impacts of this global crisis.

Some of the most climate vulnerable regions in Iraq are Sinjar province and the Nineveh Valley, home to the Yazidi population. With each passing year, drought is increasingly destroying the crops of the locals. Drinking wells for people and animals are drying up and fruit trees are drying up. Iraq's agricultural sector has been affected by climate change, losing 50 percent of its farmland. This loss has had a profound impact on the country's economy and food security, especially in regions such as Sinjar and the Nineveh Valley.

Against the backdrop of these challenges, COP28 offers a glimmer of hope for Iraq and other countries vulnerable to climate change. The establishment of the fund by the President of the United Arab Emirates provides a much-needed lifeline by offering financial assistance to countries that adhere to certain conditions.

Initiated by UN agencies such as UNDP, UNIB, FAO and the World Health Organization, these initiatives represent a concerted global effort to mitigate climate change.

Local representatives of Sinjar Province and Nineveh Valley hope to receive assistance and compensation from the Iraqi central authorities this and support for vulnerable communities such as Iraqi Yazidis.

The expected support to vulnerable communities, especially the Iraqi Yazidis, is crucial for their well-being and livelihood protection. By providing assistance and compensation, the Iraqi government can alleviate the difficulties faced by these communities and enable them to cope with the challenges posed by climate change.

Overall, the initiatives undertaken by UN agencies and the expected support from the Iraqi government represent a positive development in addressing the climate crisis and its impact on vulnerable communities in Iraq. These efforts have the potential to alleviate suffering, build resilience and contribute to a more sustainable future for the region.

While Iraq faces an uphill struggle to adapt to climate change, the unwavering support of the international community and the results of COP28 can play a key role in alleviating the suffering of Iraqis and protecting their future.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis