Migration crisis on the border of Belarus and Poland: Kurdish and Yazidi refugees face a difficult situation

Read: 1224     12:30     28 Ноябрь 2023    

The plight of Kurdish migrants and Yazidi refugees stranded on the border of Belarus and Poland has reached a critical point that requires urgent attention from the international community. These people, having survived the hardships at home, sought refuge in European countries, but now found themselves in an extremely difficult situation.

Their difficult journey began in Kurdistan and Sinjar province, filled with the desire for a better life. However, their dreams were dashed when their attempts to enter European countries, especially Germany, proved futile, and they found themselves in a difficult situation in Belarus.

The migrants' predicament is compounded by the hostile treatment they have faced. Their phones were damaged, they were physically assaulted, and their attempts to enter Poland and Latvia were refused.

The situation is particularly difficult for Yazidi refugees who have already experienced persecution and violence in Iraq and Syria. Their current predicament adds another layer of suffering to their already burdened lives.

With the crisis escalating, the international community must act quickly to alleviate the plight of these migrants. Providing them with safe passage to their desired destinations or facilitating their return to Kurdistan are viable options that can meet their immediate needs.

The situation requires a coordinated humanitarian response to ensure that these people receive the necessary support, including medical care, food and shelter. In addition, addressing the root causes of migration, such as conflict, poverty and lack of opportunities, is crucial to prevent the recurrence of similar crises in the future.

The international community should not remain indifferent to the plight of Kurdish and Yazidi migrants trapped on the Belarusian-Polish border. Their situation is a stark reminder of the human cost of displacement and the urgent need for compassion and concerted action.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #refugeesyazidis  

Migration crisis on the border of Belarus and Poland: Kurdish and Yazidi refugees face a difficult situation

Read: 1225     12:30     28 Ноябрь 2023    

The plight of Kurdish migrants and Yazidi refugees stranded on the border of Belarus and Poland has reached a critical point that requires urgent attention from the international community. These people, having survived the hardships at home, sought refuge in European countries, but now found themselves in an extremely difficult situation.

Their difficult journey began in Kurdistan and Sinjar province, filled with the desire for a better life. However, their dreams were dashed when their attempts to enter European countries, especially Germany, proved futile, and they found themselves in a difficult situation in Belarus.

The migrants' predicament is compounded by the hostile treatment they have faced. Their phones were damaged, they were physically assaulted, and their attempts to enter Poland and Latvia were refused.

The situation is particularly difficult for Yazidi refugees who have already experienced persecution and violence in Iraq and Syria. Their current predicament adds another layer of suffering to their already burdened lives.

With the crisis escalating, the international community must act quickly to alleviate the plight of these migrants. Providing them with safe passage to their desired destinations or facilitating their return to Kurdistan are viable options that can meet their immediate needs.

The situation requires a coordinated humanitarian response to ensure that these people receive the necessary support, including medical care, food and shelter. In addition, addressing the root causes of migration, such as conflict, poverty and lack of opportunities, is crucial to prevent the recurrence of similar crises in the future.

The international community should not remain indifferent to the plight of Kurdish and Yazidi migrants trapped on the Belarusian-Polish border. Their situation is a stark reminder of the human cost of displacement and the urgent need for compassion and concerted action.

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #refugeesyazidis