6 more Yazidi women were rescued from ISIS slavery

Read: 933     15:30     05 Июнь 2023    

Nobel Peace Prize laureate and UN Goodwill Ambassador Nadia Murad announced the rescue of six more Yazidi women kidnapped by ISIS.

According to Murad's statement, "After an investigation, I am happy to report that we rescued 6 Yazidi women who were kidnapped by ISIS. They were still children when they were captured in 2014. They were taken from Iraq to Syria and sold there. The girls were returned to Erbil, where they will be reunited with their families and given all the psychological help they need.

Rescuing Yazidi women and children from ISIS is an ongoing humanitarian effort, and after nearly nine years of returning these rescued women to their families gives us hope that we can save more."

According to statistics released in March of this year by the Office for the Rescue of Kidnapped Yazidis: ISIS has kidnapped 6,417 Yazidis, of whom 3,548 are women and 2,869 are men. Of these, 3,562 were rescued and 2,693 are still missing.

With the rescue of 6 women, the number of those rescued has now increased to 3,568 and the number of those missing has decreased to 2,687.

Dengê Êzdiyan

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #genocideyazidis  

6 more Yazidi women were rescued from ISIS slavery

Read: 934     15:30     05 Июнь 2023    

Nobel Peace Prize laureate and UN Goodwill Ambassador Nadia Murad announced the rescue of six more Yazidi women kidnapped by ISIS.

According to Murad's statement, "After an investigation, I am happy to report that we rescued 6 Yazidi women who were kidnapped by ISIS. They were still children when they were captured in 2014. They were taken from Iraq to Syria and sold there. The girls were returned to Erbil, where they will be reunited with their families and given all the psychological help they need.

Rescuing Yazidi women and children from ISIS is an ongoing humanitarian effort, and after nearly nine years of returning these rescued women to their families gives us hope that we can save more."

According to statistics released in March of this year by the Office for the Rescue of Kidnapped Yazidis: ISIS has kidnapped 6,417 Yazidis, of whom 3,548 are women and 2,869 are men. Of these, 3,562 were rescued and 2,693 are still missing.

With the rescue of 6 women, the number of those rescued has now increased to 3,568 and the number of those missing has decreased to 2,687.

Dengê Êzdiyan

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #genocideyazidis