Yazidi Community in Germany Condemns Hate Speech Against Yazidis in Kurdistan and Iraq

Read: 1853     15:30     11 Май 2023    

After a wave of hate speech and threats against displaced Yazidis in Kurdistan, after allegations that Yazidis burned a mosque in the Sinjar district, the Yazidi community in the German city of Bielefeld condemned the lies and provocations that target Yazidis who live in Kurdistan and Iraq.

Over the past few years, a large number of radical Islamic imams have appeared on social media who do not recognize other religions and especially the Yazidi religion and incite people to kill and persecute Yazidis, despite evidence that the mosque was burned during the Shiite-Sunni confrontation back in 2020.

The emir of Yazidis in Iraq, Hazem Tahsin-bey, denied all the accusations that appeared on social media.

The French Embassy in Iraq condemned hate speech against Yazidis, confirming France's full support for Yazidis.

Some imams were subsequently forced by the relevant authorities to apologize to Yazidis, but Yazidis see that their statements represent a real danger to them and could be the key to another genocide that is being prepared in the near future.

Displaced Yazidi families have begun procedures to return to their places of origin and despite the fact that they have been openly threatened on social media, Yazidis are not afraid and are trying to return home to Shangal (Sinjar).

The Yazidi community in Germany demands an international position and a law to protect Yazidis from hate speech. Yazidis are expecting extremist terrorist attacks against the population in Sinjar.

Dengê Êzdia

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #yazidisofgermany  

Yazidi Community in Germany Condemns Hate Speech Against Yazidis in Kurdistan and Iraq

Read: 1854     15:30     11 Май 2023    

After a wave of hate speech and threats against displaced Yazidis in Kurdistan, after allegations that Yazidis burned a mosque in the Sinjar district, the Yazidi community in the German city of Bielefeld condemned the lies and provocations that target Yazidis who live in Kurdistan and Iraq.

Over the past few years, a large number of radical Islamic imams have appeared on social media who do not recognize other religions and especially the Yazidi religion and incite people to kill and persecute Yazidis, despite evidence that the mosque was burned during the Shiite-Sunni confrontation back in 2020.

The emir of Yazidis in Iraq, Hazem Tahsin-bey, denied all the accusations that appeared on social media.

The French Embassy in Iraq condemned hate speech against Yazidis, confirming France's full support for Yazidis.

Some imams were subsequently forced by the relevant authorities to apologize to Yazidis, but Yazidis see that their statements represent a real danger to them and could be the key to another genocide that is being prepared in the near future.

Displaced Yazidi families have begun procedures to return to their places of origin and despite the fact that they have been openly threatened on social media, Yazidis are not afraid and are trying to return home to Shangal (Sinjar).

The Yazidi community in Germany demands an international position and a law to protect Yazidis from hate speech. Yazidis are expecting extremist terrorist attacks against the population in Sinjar.

Dengê Êzdia

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #yazidisofgermany