Yazidi minority demands their quota seats in Kurdistan's parliament

Read: 1651     12:30     30 Март 2023    

After the demands of the Christian component to give them quota seats in the Kurdistan Parliament, Yazidis also made official demands for quota seats in the Kurdistan Parliament.

A representative of Yazidi minority, at a press conference held by the head of Lalish, demanded that the Kurdistan Regional Government be fair to Yazidis, like the rest of the citizens in Kurdistan, because they are the oldest people in the region.

There is still controversy and the possibility of giving minorities in Kurdistan seats in parliament, and how to give them is being studied by the parliament.

Several discussion sessions were held with the minorities in Erbil to discuss the parliamentary quota, in which Yazidi minority also participated.

Despite the number of Yazidis in the provinces of the region, Yazidis still do not have a seat in the parliament of Kurdistan, representatives of the Yazidi minority called for a special constituency in order to preserve their rights in their regions.

Dengê Êzdiya

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis  

Yazidi minority demands their quota seats in Kurdistan's parliament

Read: 1652     12:30     30 Март 2023    

After the demands of the Christian component to give them quota seats in the Kurdistan Parliament, Yazidis also made official demands for quota seats in the Kurdistan Parliament.

A representative of Yazidi minority, at a press conference held by the head of Lalish, demanded that the Kurdistan Regional Government be fair to Yazidis, like the rest of the citizens in Kurdistan, because they are the oldest people in the region.

There is still controversy and the possibility of giving minorities in Kurdistan seats in parliament, and how to give them is being studied by the parliament.

Several discussion sessions were held with the minorities in Erbil to discuss the parliamentary quota, in which Yazidi minority also participated.

Despite the number of Yazidis in the provinces of the region, Yazidis still do not have a seat in the parliament of Kurdistan, representatives of the Yazidi minority called for a special constituency in order to preserve their rights in their regions.

Dengê Êzdiya

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis