Immigration or death for Yazidis in Iraq

Read: 1696     12:30     22 Март 2023    

"Immigration is not the best solution, but the best of bad solutions".

Yazidis have to leave their ancestral lands, where their ancestors have lived for centuries, Yazidis survived 74 ethnic cleansing and the genocide of Yazidis in 2014. Over the years, the life of Yazidis has not improved, it is getting worse every day, which leads to the emigration of Yazidi people around the world.

With the passage of time and the absence of government decisions in relation to Yazidis, the only way for them is emigration. After 9 years of living in camps for refugees and displaced persons, there is no prospect. Despite the fact that the region itself is rich in natural resources (oil), the governments of Iraq and Kurdistan are doing everything to survive Yazidi minority from Sinjar province (Shangal).

And while Yazidi families are leaving their ancestral homeland of Iraq, the Yazidi region is threatened by demographic changes. The Iraqi authorities have begun resettling ISIS families in Sinjar province, giving them compensation and better land.

As one of the Iraqi officials says: he does not consider the emigration of the Yazidi people from Iraq a surprise, but rather expected, since most Yazidis do not receive their constitutional rights in Iraq and even lose them.

Every day, every week, more and more Yazidis leave Sinjar, 12 families immigrated last week, dozens of other Yazidi families are waiting for their meeting with carriers.

According to the Ezidi 24 study, 90% of Yazidis want to leave Iraq, fearing a repeat of what happened in August 2014 in terms of kidnappings, murders and displacement. The ideology of ISIS has not disappeared anywhere, on the contrary, they have gained strength in camps for ISIS families, this is a time bomb, the children of ISIS terrorists will start a new war in Iraq.

Yazidis call on international organizations to open legal and optional ways for Yazidis to leave Iraq instead of resorting to illegal methods that pose a great danger to them.

Dengê Êzdiya

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #genocideyazidis  

Immigration or death for Yazidis in Iraq

Read: 1697     12:30     22 Март 2023    

"Immigration is not the best solution, but the best of bad solutions".

Yazidis have to leave their ancestral lands, where their ancestors have lived for centuries, Yazidis survived 74 ethnic cleansing and the genocide of Yazidis in 2014. Over the years, the life of Yazidis has not improved, it is getting worse every day, which leads to the emigration of Yazidi people around the world.

With the passage of time and the absence of government decisions in relation to Yazidis, the only way for them is emigration. After 9 years of living in camps for refugees and displaced persons, there is no prospect. Despite the fact that the region itself is rich in natural resources (oil), the governments of Iraq and Kurdistan are doing everything to survive Yazidi minority from Sinjar province (Shangal).

And while Yazidi families are leaving their ancestral homeland of Iraq, the Yazidi region is threatened by demographic changes. The Iraqi authorities have begun resettling ISIS families in Sinjar province, giving them compensation and better land.

As one of the Iraqi officials says: he does not consider the emigration of the Yazidi people from Iraq a surprise, but rather expected, since most Yazidis do not receive their constitutional rights in Iraq and even lose them.

Every day, every week, more and more Yazidis leave Sinjar, 12 families immigrated last week, dozens of other Yazidi families are waiting for their meeting with carriers.

According to the Ezidi 24 study, 90% of Yazidis want to leave Iraq, fearing a repeat of what happened in August 2014 in terms of kidnappings, murders and displacement. The ideology of ISIS has not disappeared anywhere, on the contrary, they have gained strength in camps for ISIS families, this is a time bomb, the children of ISIS terrorists will start a new war in Iraq.

Yazidis call on international organizations to open legal and optional ways for Yazidis to leave Iraq instead of resorting to illegal methods that pose a great danger to them.

Dengê Êzdiya

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #genocideyazidis