The Yazidi Survivor girl reveals details about slavery to the leader of the terrorist organization ISIS for the first time

Read: 2887     15:30     15 Март 2023    

Yazidi girl who managed to survive told that she was a slave to the leader of the ISIS terrorist organization Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

In her interview, Yazidi girl Siban Khalil talked about al-Baghdadi, about his radical views and ideas, about the only person who conducted the affairs of the ISIS organization, about his adviser and accountant.

Khalil said that al-Baghdadi consulted with one of his wives at every step, she controlled the affairs, went to meetings, talked with the leaders of gangs, and influenced them and their terrorist operations. According to the German news agency in Turkey in the province of Hakkari, the same of al-Baghdadi's wives, Asma Fawzi al-Kubaysi, was arrested with a group of ten suspected ISIS militants on the border with Syria. The group of detainees consisted of one man, four women and six children.

Siban Khalil was a slave of al-Baghdadi, but was considered his extraordinary wife, as the girl herself tells, she was engaged in cleaning and housekeeping, periodically the girl was subjected to bullying, beatings and rape.

Sabin was bombed by coalition troops and miraculously survived: "I miraculously survived, was surrounded by debris among the dead and wounded, I was lucky that no one was looking for me from the side of the so-called husband. I went to the hospital, and the Iraqi state security forces found out about me there and returned me home. I sincerely thank all those people who helped me and brought me back to life, brought me home".

Siban was abducted in early August 2014 from the village of Kocho when she was fourteen years old, now the girl is in Germany.

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #genocideyazidis  

The Yazidi Survivor girl reveals details about slavery to the leader of the terrorist organization ISIS for the first time

Read: 2888     15:30     15 Март 2023    

Yazidi girl who managed to survive told that she was a slave to the leader of the ISIS terrorist organization Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

In her interview, Yazidi girl Siban Khalil talked about al-Baghdadi, about his radical views and ideas, about the only person who conducted the affairs of the ISIS organization, about his adviser and accountant.

Khalil said that al-Baghdadi consulted with one of his wives at every step, she controlled the affairs, went to meetings, talked with the leaders of gangs, and influenced them and their terrorist operations. According to the German news agency in Turkey in the province of Hakkari, the same of al-Baghdadi's wives, Asma Fawzi al-Kubaysi, was arrested with a group of ten suspected ISIS militants on the border with Syria. The group of detainees consisted of one man, four women and six children.

Siban Khalil was a slave of al-Baghdadi, but was considered his extraordinary wife, as the girl herself tells, she was engaged in cleaning and housekeeping, periodically the girl was subjected to bullying, beatings and rape.

Sabin was bombed by coalition troops and miraculously survived: "I miraculously survived, was surrounded by debris among the dead and wounded, I was lucky that no one was looking for me from the side of the so-called husband. I went to the hospital, and the Iraqi state security forces found out about me there and returned me home. I sincerely thank all those people who helped me and brought me back to life, brought me home".

Siban was abducted in early August 2014 from the village of Kocho when she was fourteen years old, now the girl is in Germany.

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #genocideyazidis