Nineveh Court of Appeal suspends procedures for obtaining compensation for the surviving Yazidis

Read: 1309     15:30     03 Март 2023    

The Nineveh Court of Appeal stated that the Office for the Collection of Evidence of the Genocide refuses to provide the Committee for the Review of the statements of the surviving Yazidis with investigation documents.

The court statement says that "Article (5) of the Law on Yazidi Women Survivors of Violence obliges the General Directorate for Survivors to coordinate their actions with the investigative and judicial authorities involved in the investigation and collection of evidence, and article No. (6) – should promote the implementation of the provisions of the Law on Yazidi Survivors No. (4) of 2021 requires the Government of the Kurdish region, federal ministries and other parties to provide the General Directorate for Survivors with information, data and documents for those who are subject to the provisions of the Law on Yazidi Survivors. Thus, the said office can provide the Committee for the Review of Applications of Survivors of Violence with all the data and documents available to it for approval.

According to the statement, the Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council recently pointed out the need for a quick solution to this problem in consultation with a competent judge in the province of Dahuk.

At the moment, the procedures for providing assistance to the surviving Yezidis and Yezidi women have been stopped because officials in Kurdistan and Iraq do not find a common language and shift responsibility to each other.

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis  

Nineveh Court of Appeal suspends procedures for obtaining compensation for the surviving Yazidis

Read: 1310     15:30     03 Март 2023    

The Nineveh Court of Appeal stated that the Office for the Collection of Evidence of the Genocide refuses to provide the Committee for the Review of the statements of the surviving Yazidis with investigation documents.

The court statement says that "Article (5) of the Law on Yazidi Women Survivors of Violence obliges the General Directorate for Survivors to coordinate their actions with the investigative and judicial authorities involved in the investigation and collection of evidence, and article No. (6) – should promote the implementation of the provisions of the Law on Yazidi Survivors No. (4) of 2021 requires the Government of the Kurdish region, federal ministries and other parties to provide the General Directorate for Survivors with information, data and documents for those who are subject to the provisions of the Law on Yazidi Survivors. Thus, the said office can provide the Committee for the Review of Applications of Survivors of Violence with all the data and documents available to it for approval.

According to the statement, the Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council recently pointed out the need for a quick solution to this problem in consultation with a competent judge in the province of Dahuk.

At the moment, the procedures for providing assistance to the surviving Yezidis and Yezidi women have been stopped because officials in Kurdistan and Iraq do not find a common language and shift responsibility to each other.

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #iraqyazidis