The story of a Yazidi artist becomes a film and participates in the Duhok Festival

Read: 1404     12:30     06 Декабрь 2022    

"History of the Yazidis" - is the title of a documentary film by the Argentinean director Pablo Tosco, participating in the International Film Festival Duhok, which describes the life of the Yazidi artist Fahd Harbo during the occupation of Sinjar by ISIS terrorists. The author, in his own way, through photos, videos and music, shows the perseverance and invincibility of the spirit of the Yazidi people of Sinjar and turning it into a weapon to fight extremism.

Fahd Harbo told "Ezidi 24" that the film is based on true events. The film premiered in a conference room at Duhok University.

Ezidi 24

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis  

The story of a Yazidi artist becomes a film and participates in the Duhok Festival

Read: 1405     12:30     06 Декабрь 2022    

"History of the Yazidis" - is the title of a documentary film by the Argentinean director Pablo Tosco, participating in the International Film Festival Duhok, which describes the life of the Yazidi artist Fahd Harbo during the occupation of Sinjar by ISIS terrorists. The author, in his own way, through photos, videos and music, shows the perseverance and invincibility of the spirit of the Yazidi people of Sinjar and turning it into a weapon to fight extremism.

Fahd Harbo told "Ezidi 24" that the film is based on true events. The film premiered in a conference room at Duhok University.

Ezidi 24

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis