By moving away from Yazidism, we are moving away from ourselves

Read: 3243     12:30     02 Декабрь 2022    

One day every person thinks about whether God exists, what is his truth, what role religion plays in life. These "eternal" questions have been worrying mankind for thousands of years. To believe in the existence of God or not is the right of everyone. Who says God, who is the Supreme Mind, but even scientists are increasingly inclined to believe that there is some kind of spiritual person who created the entire universe. It is impossible to forcibly make a person a believer, since faith comes from the heart. But still, most people believe in God and believe that spiritual communication with Him occurs through religion. But is every religion the way to God?

What is the truest religion? No one will give a definite answer. In my opinion, any of the religions (Christianity, Yazidism, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism) has been reformed. Rather, none of them is the ultimate truth of God. But I think one of them is closer to the truth, the other is further away. There are people who say: "We believe in God, but we don't think that it is necessary to be an adept of any religion". What does such a position mean and is it pleasing to the Almighty? If everything was so easy, would God allow religion to arise on earth? I think people with this position are the same atheists. After all, they do not burden themselves with anything, not observing religious commandments. The path to spiritual self-improvement is not easy to achieve and a sinful person by nature is not always able to overcome his vices. But still, such people, without realizing it, live "in religion", since universal morality is based on religious dogmas.

Among Yazidis, the religious issue is one of the most painful. For centuries, our ancestors died because of their religion. And now the problem is that Yazidis suddenly realized that allegedly Yazidism does not lead to God. Going to various religious communities, it seems to them that they have found faith. But faith is either there or it is not. They are not looking for God, he is always with us. If a person lived according to the dogmas of the religion of his ancestors, but never felt a spiritual connection with God, this only indicates that there was no faith in his soul. It is so amazing when Yazidis who have left Yazidism vividly demonstrate their new religion and way of life. They are trying in every way to prove that they have found the true path and found spiritual harmony. But their excitement and symbolic show suggest that they have not found faith. After all, a true believer does not shout about his faith, he does not try to impose it on someone, he does not prove that his religion is the only true one. A believer lives in harmony with himself and with the world.

Why do I believe that Yazidism is true? In our religion there is tolerance and humanity, which are so not inherent in any other. We do not impose our faith on anyone and do not believe that other religions are not true. In our prayers, we also wish well-being to all other nations. Our people have never taken violent actions against non-believers on the basis of religious beliefs, unlike representatives of other religions who tried to impose it on people with fire and sword. Of course, no religion calls for killing, it's only people who use it for their own purposes, they interpret it differently. But the fact remains that there is no "blood stain" on the Yazidis for their faith.

The philosophy of the Yazidi religion is life-affirming and allows you to adapt to any environment. Some religious movements call for living aloof from the world, come up with many prohibitions that are not characteristic of universal morality, thereby making a person lonely. Therefore, it is not surprising that people who have fallen under the influence of such communities often commit suicide. And Yazidism is a religion that absolutely does not interfere with being a believer and being a full—fledged citizen of society. Even representatives of spiritual castes (sheikhs and feasts) they live an ordinary secular life. God probably wants a person to be kind and not feel like a slave at the same time. In our religion, this combination is possible.

Some people mistakenly and unknowingly call Yazidis idolaters or sun worshippers. But even Christianity has preserved remnants of paganism: the worship of icons and many pre-Christian holidays. And Yazidis do not portray saints and God. No one has seen the Lord! Is a person capable of portraying Him?

Now people are more concerned about such issues as making money, achieving success in a career. Sometimes we forget that there is a God and we are responsible to him for every step. Especially young people may wonder why they need religion? By the way, I have already heard these words from some young Yazidis and tried to explain that our whole life, one way or another, is connected with religion. The very structure of the Yazidi society is built on a religious principle. Our way of life, our traditions are largely dictated by religious morality. By leaving Yazidism, we are leaving ourselves, from everything Yazidi, which means we cease to be Yazidis. There is no need to go into the "empty" logic, they say, representatives of other nations, becoming adherents of another religion, do not change their nationality. Every nation has its own unique path in history. The path of Yazidis has developed precisely in such a way that our entire history, struggle for survival, traditions and culture are directly related to religion. By refusing to do this, we lose our national identity.

You can talk for a long time, but I want all Yazidis to say one thing: "Look for God in your soul and not in another religion, otherwise you will not gain faith, but will gain a new social status in society — a marginal of unknown nationality".

Ekaterina Ameyan

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #religionyazidis  

By moving away from Yazidism, we are moving away from ourselves

Read: 3244     12:30     02 Декабрь 2022    

One day every person thinks about whether God exists, what is his truth, what role religion plays in life. These "eternal" questions have been worrying mankind for thousands of years. To believe in the existence of God or not is the right of everyone. Who says God, who is the Supreme Mind, but even scientists are increasingly inclined to believe that there is some kind of spiritual person who created the entire universe. It is impossible to forcibly make a person a believer, since faith comes from the heart. But still, most people believe in God and believe that spiritual communication with Him occurs through religion. But is every religion the way to God?

What is the truest religion? No one will give a definite answer. In my opinion, any of the religions (Christianity, Yazidism, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism) has been reformed. Rather, none of them is the ultimate truth of God. But I think one of them is closer to the truth, the other is further away. There are people who say: "We believe in God, but we don't think that it is necessary to be an adept of any religion". What does such a position mean and is it pleasing to the Almighty? If everything was so easy, would God allow religion to arise on earth? I think people with this position are the same atheists. After all, they do not burden themselves with anything, not observing religious commandments. The path to spiritual self-improvement is not easy to achieve and a sinful person by nature is not always able to overcome his vices. But still, such people, without realizing it, live "in religion", since universal morality is based on religious dogmas.

Among Yazidis, the religious issue is one of the most painful. For centuries, our ancestors died because of their religion. And now the problem is that Yazidis suddenly realized that allegedly Yazidism does not lead to God. Going to various religious communities, it seems to them that they have found faith. But faith is either there or it is not. They are not looking for God, he is always with us. If a person lived according to the dogmas of the religion of his ancestors, but never felt a spiritual connection with God, this only indicates that there was no faith in his soul. It is so amazing when Yazidis who have left Yazidism vividly demonstrate their new religion and way of life. They are trying in every way to prove that they have found the true path and found spiritual harmony. But their excitement and symbolic show suggest that they have not found faith. After all, a true believer does not shout about his faith, he does not try to impose it on someone, he does not prove that his religion is the only true one. A believer lives in harmony with himself and with the world.

Why do I believe that Yazidism is true? In our religion there is tolerance and humanity, which are so not inherent in any other. We do not impose our faith on anyone and do not believe that other religions are not true. In our prayers, we also wish well-being to all other nations. Our people have never taken violent actions against non-believers on the basis of religious beliefs, unlike representatives of other religions who tried to impose it on people with fire and sword. Of course, no religion calls for killing, it's only people who use it for their own purposes, they interpret it differently. But the fact remains that there is no "blood stain" on the Yazidis for their faith.

The philosophy of the Yazidi religion is life-affirming and allows you to adapt to any environment. Some religious movements call for living aloof from the world, come up with many prohibitions that are not characteristic of universal morality, thereby making a person lonely. Therefore, it is not surprising that people who have fallen under the influence of such communities often commit suicide. And Yazidism is a religion that absolutely does not interfere with being a believer and being a full—fledged citizen of society. Even representatives of spiritual castes (sheikhs and feasts) they live an ordinary secular life. God probably wants a person to be kind and not feel like a slave at the same time. In our religion, this combination is possible.

Some people mistakenly and unknowingly call Yazidis idolaters or sun worshippers. But even Christianity has preserved remnants of paganism: the worship of icons and many pre-Christian holidays. And Yazidis do not portray saints and God. No one has seen the Lord! Is a person capable of portraying Him?

Now people are more concerned about such issues as making money, achieving success in a career. Sometimes we forget that there is a God and we are responsible to him for every step. Especially young people may wonder why they need religion? By the way, I have already heard these words from some young Yazidis and tried to explain that our whole life, one way or another, is connected with religion. The very structure of the Yazidi society is built on a religious principle. Our way of life, our traditions are largely dictated by religious morality. By leaving Yazidism, we are leaving ourselves, from everything Yazidi, which means we cease to be Yazidis. There is no need to go into the "empty" logic, they say, representatives of other nations, becoming adherents of another religion, do not change their nationality. Every nation has its own unique path in history. The path of Yazidis has developed precisely in such a way that our entire history, struggle for survival, traditions and culture are directly related to religion. By refusing to do this, we lose our national identity.

You can talk for a long time, but I want all Yazidis to say one thing: "Look for God in your soul and not in another religion, otherwise you will not gain faith, but will gain a new social status in society — a marginal of unknown nationality".

Ekaterina Ameyan

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #aboutyazidis   #religionyazidis