Georgia ranks 63rd in the United Nations' Human Development Index

Read: 2077     14:00     12 Сентябрь 2022    

According to the latest UN research, people's life expectancy and incomes are declining worldwide.

According to the BBC, over the past two years, nine out of ten countries have lagged behind on the human development index.

"Because of COVID-19, the war in Ukraine and climate change, global development is going backwards," the BBC writes.

According to the authors of the index, the global trend of deterioration in the level of human development is observed for the first time since the publication of the first report.

According to media reports, more than 80 countries have faced problems with the payment of public debt. In the 2021-2022 index, Switzerland ranks first with an average life expectancy of 84 years and an average annual income of $66,000.

Norway, Iceland, Hong Kong, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, Germany and the Netherlands also entered the top ten of the Human Development Index. In last place is South Sudan, where, according to the report, a person on average lives up to 55 years old, and the average annual income is $ 768.

According to 2021 data, Georgia ranks 63rd in the in the United Nations' Human Development Index. It is still on the list of countries with a very high level of human development according to the UN assessment, however, compared to the data of the 2020 report, which includes the 2019 assessment, Georgia has moved two steps back.

The average life expectancy of a person in Georgia is 71.7 years, while the average individual annual income is estimated at $14,664. In the UN index, Georgia lags behind such countries as, for example, Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania, North Macedonia. Ukraine ranks 77th in the index, Moldova 80th, Armenia 85th, Azerbaijan 91st.
In the ranking, Georgia is ahead of Belarus (60th place), Kazakhstan (56th place), Russia (52nd place) and Turkey (48th place).

The Human Development Index has been published annually by the United Nations since the 1990s. The latest report was published at the end of 2020 and covered 189 countries. According to the index methodology, each country is assigned a score from 0 to one, and the closer a country is to one point, the higher the level of human development. The level of human development is assessed according to three criteria, namely: the level of health, the level of education and the level of income of the population.

In 2019, according to the same indicator, Georgia was on the 70th place, and in 2014 - on the 79th.


Georgia ranks 63rd in the United Nations' Human Development Index

Read: 2078     14:00     12 Сентябрь 2022    

According to the latest UN research, people's life expectancy and incomes are declining worldwide.

According to the BBC, over the past two years, nine out of ten countries have lagged behind on the human development index.

"Because of COVID-19, the war in Ukraine and climate change, global development is going backwards," the BBC writes.

According to the authors of the index, the global trend of deterioration in the level of human development is observed for the first time since the publication of the first report.

According to media reports, more than 80 countries have faced problems with the payment of public debt. In the 2021-2022 index, Switzerland ranks first with an average life expectancy of 84 years and an average annual income of $66,000.

Norway, Iceland, Hong Kong, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, Germany and the Netherlands also entered the top ten of the Human Development Index. In last place is South Sudan, where, according to the report, a person on average lives up to 55 years old, and the average annual income is $ 768.

According to 2021 data, Georgia ranks 63rd in the in the United Nations' Human Development Index. It is still on the list of countries with a very high level of human development according to the UN assessment, however, compared to the data of the 2020 report, which includes the 2019 assessment, Georgia has moved two steps back.

The average life expectancy of a person in Georgia is 71.7 years, while the average individual annual income is estimated at $14,664. In the UN index, Georgia lags behind such countries as, for example, Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania, North Macedonia. Ukraine ranks 77th in the index, Moldova 80th, Armenia 85th, Azerbaijan 91st.
In the ranking, Georgia is ahead of Belarus (60th place), Kazakhstan (56th place), Russia (52nd place) and Turkey (48th place).

The Human Development Index has been published annually by the United Nations since the 1990s. The latest report was published at the end of 2020 and covered 189 countries. According to the index methodology, each country is assigned a score from 0 to one, and the closer a country is to one point, the higher the level of human development. The level of human development is assessed according to three criteria, namely: the level of health, the level of education and the level of income of the population.

In 2019, according to the same indicator, Georgia was on the 70th place, and in 2014 - on the 79th.
