"Bsk" is an ancient religious custom of the Yezidis

Read: 2855     12:00     25 Июнь 2022    

The Yezidis are a centuries-old people with a centuries-old religion, naturally we have many customs, both religious and cultural. As you know, many religious Yezidi traditions are either forgotten or not so often used, so the Cultural Center of the Caucasus Yezidis, today in this article wants to talk about a religious custom – "Bsk-brin".

In every Yezidi family, when a boy is born (the progenitor of the family), then according to the Sharfadin religion, his hair cannot be cut until the "Bsk-brin" rite is performed. According to our religion, this applies only to boys, because girls' hair is sacred, and they cannot be touched. Many will see a "note" of sexism in this, but for religious reasons (dogma) that's not so.

I would like to describe the Bsk-brin ceremony itself a little.

The Sheh (a representative of the clergy) puts the child on his lap, says the prayer "Dua Bsk" and cuts off a bunch of hair from the top of his head. Each family has its own kind of Shehs (Shehe bske) strictly distributed, which is its Farz, it is forbidden to change the kind of Sheh. After this ceremony, the Sheh must necessarily give this child gift, clothes, souvenir, or gold as a sign of congratulations. Bsk is a kind of analogue of baptism as among Christians. Shehe bskeh performs the function of the blessing of the family.

"Bsk-brin" is one of the most unique rites in the Sharfadin religion, currently many families do not perform this traditional rite, the reasons for this are different, ignorance, indifference, and so on.

Tags: #ezidi   #yezidis   #yazidis   #ezidxan  

"Bsk" is an ancient religious custom of the Yezidis

Read: 2856     12:00     25 Июнь 2022    

The Yezidis are a centuries-old people with a centuries-old religion, naturally we have many customs, both religious and cultural. As you know, many religious Yezidi traditions are either forgotten or not so often used, so the Cultural Center of the Caucasus Yezidis, today in this article wants to talk about a religious custom – "Bsk-brin".

In every Yezidi family, when a boy is born (the progenitor of the family), then according to the Sharfadin religion, his hair cannot be cut until the "Bsk-brin" rite is performed. According to our religion, this applies only to boys, because girls' hair is sacred, and they cannot be touched. Many will see a "note" of sexism in this, but for religious reasons (dogma) that's not so.

I would like to describe the Bsk-brin ceremony itself a little.

The Sheh (a representative of the clergy) puts the child on his lap, says the prayer "Dua Bsk" and cuts off a bunch of hair from the top of his head. Each family has its own kind of Shehs (Shehe bske) strictly distributed, which is its Farz, it is forbidden to change the kind of Sheh. After this ceremony, the Sheh must necessarily give this child gift, clothes, souvenir, or gold as a sign of congratulations. Bsk is a kind of analogue of baptism as among Christians. Shehe bskeh performs the function of the blessing of the family.

"Bsk-brin" is one of the most unique rites in the Sharfadin religion, currently many families do not perform this traditional rite, the reasons for this are different, ignorance, indifference, and so on.

Tags: #ezidi   #yezidis   #yazidis   #ezidxan