The heartbreaking story of Yazidi boy Khalil

Read: 1189     15:30     15 Сентябрь 2023    

The heartbreaking story of the young Yazidi Khalil makes us think that human life is so fragile and at the same time priceless. The life of a very young Khalil turned upside down after the explosion of a car bomb. The trauma received as a result of the explosion led to serious mental health problems, and over time the boy's condition only worsened. Khalil's mother Zaytun did her best to help him, but her resources were limited.

Zaytun recalls what her son was like before the tragedy, Khalil was an active and intelligent boy, he had many friends in a residential area and in elementary school, but everything changed in an instant when a car bomb exploded near their house in the fall.

"In 2007, at the height of the religious war witnessed by Iraq, one night, when little Khalil was sleeping on his bed next to the window, in an instant the whole street woke up in horror from an explosion. Shouting at the top of his voice, Khalil was hysterically calling for his mother, blood was pouring from his face, his body was all in shards of window glass," Khalil's mother recalls the events of that night in a heavy voice.

Day after day, the boy's health deteriorated, and although she took him to several doctors and toured Yazidi shrines all over the country, praying for his recovery, he did not get better, and his mental state worsened. Khalil left the house and wandered the streets all day, which prompted his mother, who has been a widow for many years, to lock up at home for his own safety. After some time, the young man still had to be taken to the hospital, where, in fact, he should have received appropriate assistance.

The mental health system in Iraq is seriously underfunded and staffed, and few options are available for people with severe mental illness. Khalil's case is just one example of many people in Iraq who struggle with mental health issues. The country has experienced a long and bloody conflict, the psychological damage of which was enormous. Many people were left traumatized and unable to cope with the situation. The Iraqi government must do more to address the country's mental health crisis. They need to invest in more resources and services, and raise awareness about mental health issues. Only then will people like Khalil be able to get the help they need.

Meanwhile, Khalil's mother continues to take care of him as best she can. She visits him in the hospital every day and prays for his recovery. She knows that there is a difficult road ahead, but she is determined never to be disappointed in her son.

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis  

The heartbreaking story of Yazidi boy Khalil

Read: 1190     15:30     15 Сентябрь 2023    

The heartbreaking story of the young Yazidi Khalil makes us think that human life is so fragile and at the same time priceless. The life of a very young Khalil turned upside down after the explosion of a car bomb. The trauma received as a result of the explosion led to serious mental health problems, and over time the boy's condition only worsened. Khalil's mother Zaytun did her best to help him, but her resources were limited.

Zaytun recalls what her son was like before the tragedy, Khalil was an active and intelligent boy, he had many friends in a residential area and in elementary school, but everything changed in an instant when a car bomb exploded near their house in the fall.

"In 2007, at the height of the religious war witnessed by Iraq, one night, when little Khalil was sleeping on his bed next to the window, in an instant the whole street woke up in horror from an explosion. Shouting at the top of his voice, Khalil was hysterically calling for his mother, blood was pouring from his face, his body was all in shards of window glass," Khalil's mother recalls the events of that night in a heavy voice.

Day after day, the boy's health deteriorated, and although she took him to several doctors and toured Yazidi shrines all over the country, praying for his recovery, he did not get better, and his mental state worsened. Khalil left the house and wandered the streets all day, which prompted his mother, who has been a widow for many years, to lock up at home for his own safety. After some time, the young man still had to be taken to the hospital, where, in fact, he should have received appropriate assistance.

The mental health system in Iraq is seriously underfunded and staffed, and few options are available for people with severe mental illness. Khalil's case is just one example of many people in Iraq who struggle with mental health issues. The country has experienced a long and bloody conflict, the psychological damage of which was enormous. Many people were left traumatized and unable to cope with the situation. The Iraqi government must do more to address the country's mental health crisis. They need to invest in more resources and services, and raise awareness about mental health issues. Only then will people like Khalil be able to get the help they need.

Meanwhile, Khalil's mother continues to take care of him as best she can. She visits him in the hospital every day and prays for his recovery. She knows that there is a difficult road ahead, but she is determined never to be disappointed in her son.

Mlêtê Êzidî

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis