It is important to preserve Yazidi language

Read: 1316     15:30     17 Август 2023    

Yazidi language is one of the most ancient languages in the world, Yazidis had their own writing, scholars, philosophers, poets, writers, folk medicine, astronomy, mathematics, architecture were studied, but, unfortunately, all writing, ancient books and scrolls were destroyed and only Yazidi language remained.

The influence of foreign terms on the native Yazidi language is a serious problem. Languages are constantly evolving, and it is natural for them to borrow words from other languages. However, there is a difference between borrowing words and completely replacing them. When foreign terms become so common that they replace native words, this can have a negative impact on the native language. This is especially true in the case of Yazidi language, which is not widely spoken, when the language is not used in a formal environment, for example in education or government, it is more vulnerable to foreign influence. That is why it is important to support and encourage the use of native languages even in the face of globalization and technological changes.

Parents play a key role in preserving their native language. They can start speaking their native language with their children from a very young age, they can also encourage their children to read books and watch movies in their native language. In addition, parents can support schools that teach in their native Yazidi language.

It is also important to raise awareness of the importance of native languages. We need to inform people about the negative impact of foreign terms on their native languages, and we also need to welcome the diversity of languages and cultures.

Together we can work to preserve our native Yazidi language and protect our linguistic heritage.

There are several concrete ways to preserve Yazidi language, namely, it is necessary to create and support language schools, translate Yazidi literature and other materials into other languages. It is also necessary to promote the use of Yazidi language in the media and government, to encourage Yazidis to speak to each other in their own language, even if they also speak other languages. It is very important to document Yazidi language and its history.

By taking these steps, we can help preserve Yazidi language for future generations.

Êz Êzdîma

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #cultureyazidis  

It is important to preserve Yazidi language

Read: 1317     15:30     17 Август 2023    

Yazidi language is one of the most ancient languages in the world, Yazidis had their own writing, scholars, philosophers, poets, writers, folk medicine, astronomy, mathematics, architecture were studied, but, unfortunately, all writing, ancient books and scrolls were destroyed and only Yazidi language remained.

The influence of foreign terms on the native Yazidi language is a serious problem. Languages are constantly evolving, and it is natural for them to borrow words from other languages. However, there is a difference between borrowing words and completely replacing them. When foreign terms become so common that they replace native words, this can have a negative impact on the native language. This is especially true in the case of Yazidi language, which is not widely spoken, when the language is not used in a formal environment, for example in education or government, it is more vulnerable to foreign influence. That is why it is important to support and encourage the use of native languages even in the face of globalization and technological changes.

Parents play a key role in preserving their native language. They can start speaking their native language with their children from a very young age, they can also encourage their children to read books and watch movies in their native language. In addition, parents can support schools that teach in their native Yazidi language.

It is also important to raise awareness of the importance of native languages. We need to inform people about the negative impact of foreign terms on their native languages, and we also need to welcome the diversity of languages and cultures.

Together we can work to preserve our native Yazidi language and protect our linguistic heritage.

There are several concrete ways to preserve Yazidi language, namely, it is necessary to create and support language schools, translate Yazidi literature and other materials into other languages. It is also necessary to promote the use of Yazidi language in the media and government, to encourage Yazidis to speak to each other in their own language, even if they also speak other languages. It is very important to document Yazidi language and its history.

By taking these steps, we can help preserve Yazidi language for future generations.

Êz Êzdîma

Tags: #yazidisinfo   #newsyazidis   #cultureyazidis